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Loader Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage is a widely recognized data storage solution that businesses can count on to store and retrieve data on the cloud. It has a strong focus on efficient data management, providing businesses with a secure and reliable platform to store and access their data, which promotes streamlined operations.

Setting up the loader in MI

For setting Google Cloud Storage as a destination within Meiro Integration, use the Google Cloud Storage OAUTH2 loader.

Data In/Data Out

Data In

Upload all files in /data/in/files


Remember: Prefix for loading data to the bucket can be set up using the path to the input files. Construct the path as /data/in/files/PREFIX/outputfile where PREFIX_CONFIG/PREFIX_PATH is the prefix for the bucket (can contain subfolders), if used both prefix in configuration and creating prefix using file path.

As a result, files will be loaded to BUCKET/PREFIX on Google Cloud Storage. 

Data Out N/A

Learn more: about the folder structure here.


google cloud storage.png

Bucket Name (required)  Google Cloud Storage bucket name.
Prefix (optional) Path prefix.