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Connector Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is an e-commerce platform that empowers businesses to manage their online retail operations seamlessly. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features to facilitate the creation, customization, and optimization of digital storefronts.

Businesses can make use of the integration between Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Customer Data Platform to transfer important information, particularly order-related details like billing address, customer name, payment information, and transaction amount, in a more efficient manner. 

Data In/ Data Out

Data In


Data Out

Connector saves extracted data into orders.ndjson in /data/out/files directory.

Data extracted: 

  "adjustedMerchandizeTotalTax": 1.11,
  "adjustedShippingTotalTax": 0.11,
  "billingAddress": {
    "address1": "abc",
    "address2": "abc",
    "city": "abc",
    "countryCode": "AU",
    "firstName": "abc",
    "fullName": "abc",
    "lastName": "abc",
    "phone": "111 111 111",
    "postalCode": "1111",
    "stateCode": "abc"
  "confirmationStatus": "confirmed",
  "createdBy": "storefront",
  "creationDate": "2021-06-06T09:09:22.090Z",
  "currency": "AUD",
  "customerInfo": {
    "customerId": "abcdefghijklmnoprstuwxyz",
    "customerName": "abc",
    "email": "abc@abc.com",
    "guest": true
  "customerLocale": "en_AU",
  "exportStatus": "ready",
  "invoiceNo": "DEV-abc11111",
  "lastModified": "2022-01-06T09:09:23.610Z",
  "merchandizeTotalTax": 1.11,
  "orderNo": "abc11111",
  "orderTotal": 111.11,
  "paymentInstruments": [
      "paymentCard": {
        "cardType": "abc",
        "creditCardExpired": false,
        "maskedNumber": "************1111",
        "numberLastDigits": "1111"
      "paymentInstrumentId": "11111111abcdefghijklmnoprstuwxyz",
      "paymentMethodId": "abc",
      "paymentTransaction": {
        "amount": 11.11,
        "transactionId": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ",
        "c_Adyen_log": "{\"pspReference\":\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ\",\"resultCode\":\"Authorised\",\"amount\":{\"currency\":\"AUD\",\"value\":111111},\"merchantReference\":\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ\"}",
        "c_authCode": "Authorised"
      "c_adyenPaymentData": "{\"riskData\":{\"clientData\":\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ\",\"encryptedExpiryYear\":\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ",\"encryptedSecurityCode\":\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ\"},\"browserInfo\":{\"acceptHeader\":\"*/*\",\"colorDepth\":24,\"language\":\"en-US\",\"javaEnabled\":false,\"screenHeight\":1080,\"screenWidth\":1920,\"userAgent\":\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/111.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/111.1.1111.111 Safari/111.11\",\"timeZoneOffset\":-330},\"clientStateDataIndicator\":true}",
      "c_adyenPaymentMethod": "Credit Card"
  "paymentStatus": "paid",
  "placeDate": "2021-01-06T09:09:23.608Z",
  "productItems": [
      "adjustedTax": 1.11,
      "basePrice": 111,
      "bonusProductLineItem": false,
      "brand": "abc",
      "gift": false,
      "grossPrice": 111,
      "itemText": "abc",
      "minOrderQuantity": 1,
      "netPrice": 111.11,
      "position": 1,
      "priceAfterItemDiscount": 111,
      "priceAfterOrderDiscount": 111,
      "productId": "11111111",
      "productName": "abc",
      "quantity": 1,
      "shipmentId": "ab",
      "stepQuantity": 1,
      "tax": 1.11,
      "taxBasis": 111,
      "taxRate": 1.11
      "adjustedTax": 0,
      "basePrice": 1.11,
      "bonusProductLineItem": true,
      "brand": "abc",
      "gift": false,
      "grossPrice": 1.11,
      "itemId": "0afe83e3725f1b9d9727855e15",
      "itemText": "VS GWP VS BOMBSHELL OS VOC",
      "minOrderQuantity": 1,
      "netPrice": 0.01,
      "position": 2,
      "priceAdjustments": [
          "appliedDiscount": {},
          "basePrice": -0.01,
          "campaignId": "abc",
          "creationDate": "2021-01-06T09:09:22.098Z",
          "custom": false,
          "grossPrice": -0.01,
          "itemText": "abc",
          "lastModified": "2021-01-06T09:09:22.109Z",
          "manual": false,
          "netPrice": -0.01,
          "priceAdjustmentId": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ",
          "promotionId": "abc",
          "tax": 0,
          "taxBasis": -0.01
      "priceAfterItemDiscount": 0,
      "priceAfterOrderDiscount": 0,
      "productId": "26172076",
      "productName": "abc",
      "quantity": 1,
      "shipmentId": "me",
      "stepQuantity": 1,
      "tax": 0,
      "taxBasis": 0.01,
      "taxRate": 0.01
  "productSubTotal": 111,
  "productTotal": 111,
  "shipments": [
      "adjustedMerchandizeTotalTax": 1.11,
      "adjustedShippingTotalTax": 0.11,
      "gift": false,
      "merchandizeTotalTax": 1.11,
      "productSubTotal": 111,
      "productTotal": 111,
      "shipmentId": "me",
      "shipmentTotal": 111.11,
      "shippingAddress": {
        "address1": "abc",
        "address2": "abc",
        "city": "abc",
        "countryCode": "AU",
        "firstName": "abc",
        "fullName": "abc",
        "lastName": "abc",
        "phone": "111 111 111",
        "postalCode": "1111",
        "stateCode": "abc"
      "shippingMethod": {
        "id": "001"
      "shippingStatus": "not_shipped",
      "shippingTotal": 1.11,
      "shippingTotalTax": 0.11,
      "taxTotal": 1.11
  "shippingItems": [
      "adjustedTax": 0.11,
      "basePrice": 1.11,
      "grossPrice": 1.11,
      "itemText": "Shipping",
      "netPrice": 1.1,
      "priceAfterItemDiscount": 1.11,
      "shipmentId": "me",
      "tax": 0.11,
      "taxBasis": 1.11,
      "taxRate": 0.01
  "shippingStatus": "not_shipped",
  "shippingTotal": 1.11,
  "shippingTotalTax": 0.11,
  "siteId": "abc",
  "status": "abc",
  "taxation": "abc",
  "taxTotal": 1.11,
  "c_Adyen_pspReference": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUWXYZ",
  "c_Adyen_value": "0",
  "c_eGiftTotalAmount": 0

Learn more: about the folder structure please go to this article.


Client ID (required) The ID of the client account created with Salesforce Commerce.
Client Secret (required)  Client secret
Organisation ID (required) The unique identifier for your Salesforce identity.
Short code (required)

Region-specific merchant ID present in the base URL, e.g. if the URL is: 


Short code is: example

Tenant ID (required) Represents the e-commerce environment for which you request the access token.
Site ID (required)  A unique site ID (for example, RefArch or SiteGenesis).

Learn more: Salesforce documentation

Time range
From -last modified (required) Return orders where the timestamp of the last modification is equal to or greater than the passed datetime:
  • Data type: string - timestamp in human-readable format (natural language). Example: now - 14 days12 hours ago
To -last modified (required) Return records where the timestamp of last modification is less than the passed datetime.
  • Data type: string - - timestamp in human-readable format (natural language).Example: now


For orders created after 2022-05-12 12:35:00 until now,  set start= 2022-05-12 12:35:00 and end = now. The component results with:

1. Orders' start time:2022-05-12 12:35:00

2 Orders' end time: 2022-05-12 17:45:13

Learn more: for date-time definition the parsedatetime library is used, specifically the parseDT() method. Examples for both human and standardized input can be found in tests, examples, and notes.