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Loader CDP Feed Items

The loader ‘CDP Feed Items’ uploads specified feed items to the CDP, enabling the use of custom blocks in the email campaign editor. Known as feeds, these custom blocks dynamically populate content about multiple products in e-commerce or articles from a blog or news site. This functionality allows marketers to integrate dynamic content into their email campaigns easily. 

The loader attempts to load the file feed_items.csv into CDP. It follows these steps:

  1. Checks the structure of the CSV file.
  2. Loads a chunk of the file into CDP for processing.
  3. Checks the processing status.
  4. Ends if an error occurs.
  5. Continues with the next chunk or the next file if successful.

Data In/Data Out

Data In

The input is expected in a single file /data/in/tables/feed_items.csv.


The CSV file should be with a header containing id, secondary_id, name, url, image_url, tags, categories, and custom_data fields. All of these fields, except secondary_id,  are required and are expected to be strings. Tags, categories, and custom_data need to be serialised JSON strings that have also been escaped (see the example below).


Example of CVS file content:


f_id_100,fs_id_200,Product 123,https://my.shop/product123,https://my.shop/product123_img,"[""t1"", ""t2""]","[""c1"", ""c2""]","{""some"": ""value""}"
f_id_101,fs_id_201,Product 321,https://my.shop/product321,https://my.shop/product321_img,"[]","[""c1"", ""c2""]","{""some"": ""value2""}"
f_id_102,fs_id_202,Product 456,https://my.shop/product456,https://my.shop/product456_img,"[""t1"", ""t2""]","[]","{""some"": ""value3""}"
f_id_103,fs_id_203,Product 654,https://my.shop/product654,https://my.shop/product654_img,"[]","[]","{""some"": ""value4""}"

The custom data should be provided based on the feed type:

Feed type: products

Custom data: Note that the product prices should be a string containing the currency. Additionally, the description can be included as part of the custom data.

  "price": "$1 500",
  "price_before_discount": "$1 800",
  "description": "This product is incredible."

Feed type: articles

Custom data: the description can be included as part of the custom data.

"author": "John Smith",
"published_at": "2024-07-23T14:10:00Z"
"description": "Exploring tech's future impact."

Warning: ensure that different IDs are used for lists of products and articles to prevent conflicts when being loaded to CDP.

Remember: ensure that all images have the same height for proper alignment; the editor will automatically manage the width.

Data Out


Learn more: about the folder structure here.





URL of CDP instance: https://instance.meiro.io/api.

CDP API credentials username


Email, which is used for logging in to CDP instance. 

Warning: The user has to have ACL permissions to upload feeds to CDP; otherwise, the component will fail.

CDP API credentials password


Password to CDP login.

Feed type

Feed type


Type of the feed that is being loaded to CDP (products for product list or articles for list of articles)