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Releases in October, 2023

New Features:

Google DV360 Customer Match Audience Loader

The Google DV 360 loader is a component in Meiro Integration designed to facilitate importing contacts into Google Display & Video 360 Customer Match Audience. This platform supports automated and data-driven advertising, helping advertisers engage with current customers through personalized ads, activate first-party audiences, and reach similar users with lookalike audiences. 

Знімок екрана 2023-10-12 о 09.31.37.png


All days in the scheduler are preselected by default

Знімок екрана 2023-10-12 о 09.38.35.png

New reports are more visible

Newly created reports under the ‘Reporting’ tab now display a ‘New’ badge, making them easier to spot.

Знімок екрана 2023-10-24 о 15.09.37.png

Improved Insights

The language in Insights is refined by replacing ‘counts of’ with ‘number of.’


Date Picker Highlight

The date picker highlights the current day, ensuring you can quickly select the date you need.

Знімок екрана 2023-10-24 о 09.20.13.png

SDK: accept all subdomains in cross-domain whitelist configuration

To whitelist a website and all its subdomains, you can use the *, e.g., "*.example.com"

Bug fixes: 

  • Cache generation is stuck sometimes
  • [client] Cross-domain tracking not working when links open in new tabs
  • [client] CDP fatal error in WBS
  • CDP Destination for Cockroach connector failing with Connection reset by peer on Scheduled export
  • [client] Audience API Latency Impacts Service Performance