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FatZebra webhook

In this article, we'll guide you on how to configure a webhook to send information from FatZebra to Meiro Events. FatZebra is a payment gateway platform that allows businesses to process online payments seamlessly. By setting up a webhook, you can receive real-time payment updates and integrate them into your Meiro Events system for further analysis and actions.


Before setting up the FatZebra webhook, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • You need access to a FatZebra account with the necessary permissions to set up webhooks.


In the FatZebra, webhooks can be triggered by significant events, primarily centered around purchase completions and payment plan updates. When any of these events meet your specified trigger criteria, the webhook will promptly dispatch the necessary information to the designated URL.

Failed webhooks undergo a retry mechanism with exponential backoff. If a request fails, it will be placed back into the processing queue, with increasing delays between attempts. This process continues until all retries are exhausted. Webhooks will be attempted for up to two days before being considered permanently failed.

Learn more: to gain a deeper understanding of handling FatZebra webhooks, refer to the official documentation.

Meiro Events accepts the following events from FatZebra:

  • Purchases:
    • purchase:success
    • purchase:failed
  • Payment Plan Payment:
    • payment_plan_payment:completed
    • payment_plan_payment:declined
    • payment_plan_payment:error

Example data

Endpoint: Purchases

Here's an example of the JSON structure for a successful purchase event:

  "event": "purchase:success",
  "payload": {
    "authorization": "389768",
    "id": "071-P-245JAGI0",
    "card_number": "400555XXXXXX0001",
    "card_holder": "Joe Bloggs",
    "card_expiry": "2023-05-31",
    "card_token": "fke8tr3e",
    "card_type": "VISA",
    "card_category": "Credit",
    "card_subcategory": "Standard",
    "amount": 123,
    "decimal_amount": 1.23,
    "successful": true,
    "message": "Approved",
    "reference": "0k7uchjosk38",
    "currency": "AUD",
    "transaction_id": "071-P-245JAGI0",
    "settlement_date": "2018-09-07",
    "transaction_date": "2018-09-07T17:06:00+10:00",
    "response_code": "00",
    "captured": true,
    "captured_amount": 123,
    "rrn": "071P245JAGI0",
    "cvv_match": "M",
    "metadata": {
    "addendum_data": {

Endpoint: Payment Plan Payments

Here's an example of the JSON structure for a completed plan payment event:

    "event": "payment_plan_payment:completed",
    "payload": {
      "id": "787-PT-G1EBHXZR",
      "payment_plan": "787-PP-4745AS4X",
      "reference": "PPAPI-001-0400",
      "amount": 10,
      "currency": "AUD",
      "scheduled_date": "2049-04-23",
      "payment_method": "Credit Card",
      "status": "Completed",
      "result": "Ad-Hoc Payment",
      "records": [
          "authorization": "389768",
          "id": "071-P-245JAGI0",
          "card_number": "400555XXXXXX0001",
          "card_holder": "Joe Bloggs",
          "card_expiry": "2023-05-31",
          "card_token": "fke8tr3e",
          "card_type": "VISA",
          "card_category": "Credit",
          "card_subcategory": "Standard",
          "amount": 123,
          "decimal_amount": 1.23,
          "successful": true,
          "message": "Approved",
          "reference": "PPAPI-001-0400",
          "currency": "AUD",
          "transaction_id": "071-P-245JAGI0",
          "settlement_date": "2018-09-07",
          "transaction_date": "2018-09-07T17:06:00+10:00",
          "response_code": "00",
          "captured": true,
          "captured_amount": 123,
          "rrn": "071P245JAGI0",
          "cvv_match": "M",
          "metadata": {},
          "addendum_data": {}

Use cases

Here are some practical use cases for setting up a FatZebra webhook with Meiro Events:

  • Real-time payment notifications: Receive immediate notifications when a payment is successfully processed, allowing you to enrich customer profiles in CDP in real time.
  • Transaction failure alerts: Get instantly alerted when a transaction fails. This proactive approach enables you to address payment issues promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction and reducing churn. You can immediately trigger these failed transactions in CDP and take follow-up actions, such as offering alternative payment methods via email or displaying a pop-up banner on your website.
  • Insights to customer profiles: Collect data on customer payment behavior to gain insights into your customer base, helping to tailor effective campaigns. For instance, you can segment customers based on their preferred payment methods, analyze their purchasing frequency, and identify high-value customers. With these insights, you can tailor marketing campaigns for specific customer groups, boosting conversion rates and fostering customer loyalty.