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Where can I find the Sheet ID of Google Spreadsheet file
The Sheet ID is a unique identifier for a specific sheet within a Google Spreadsheet file. To obt...
Difference between implementing Meiro SDK into the header directly and through Google Tag Manager
The main issue with Google Tag Manager is that it is blocked by browser tracking protection (Fire...
Tab: Monitoring
Tab Monitoring displays the usage of CPU as well as how occupied the server is (if the number is ...
Tab: User Settings
The User Settings tab displays the main information relevant to the account: User Settings t...
How to set up a schedule
After you set up a data flow in your workspace, most probably you will need to run it regularly t...
How data flow and components work
In this article, we explain how the folder structure and execution model works in Meiro Integrati...
Tab: Administration
The Administration page is visible to a user with an admin level of access and is split into thre...
Tab: Workspaces
A workspace enables you to create real-time project intelligence. The Workspaces tab lists all th...
Tab: Full-text search
The Full-text search tab allows searching through the configurations’ name/description/parameters...
User Interface Of Meiro Integrations
Meiro means “Labyrinth” in Japanese. The logo of Meiro Integrations represents the data maze and ...
What hosting options are available for Meiro CDP? There are three hosting options av...
How to search & replace within a code editor
Click inside the text editor (while in edit mode) and press cmd+f followed by ctrl+h (ctrl+f and ...
What does "Continue on Failure" mean?
You can set any configuration in a workspace to the Continue on Failure state. This feature per...
How to set up a Jupyter notebook sandbox on localhost
Sometimes it may be useful to set up a Jupyter “sandbox” in your own development environment with...
What "No running Worker" in the fail logs mean?
Every configuration has its docker container. Meiro’s worker processes configuration details, col...
How to obtain credentials for Google Analytics
1. Universal Analytics 2. Google Analytics 4 1. For Universal Analytics property 1.1 To obta...
How to use Description field formatting
Can happen that your code, the name of the file/table or any other text is read as a description ...
What is the difference between a user and admin level of access
Each person that uses Meiro Integrations can be granted either a user or admin level of access. ...
Why does my AWS S3 loader configuration not write anything in the bucket
Wait a few minutes and reload the AWS S3 webpage, as it can take some time to transfer files to...
How to move files from one folder in configuration to another using Command Line Interface Code processor
In Meiro Integrations output files or tables in the connector or processor components are saved i...