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Meiro Integrations User Interface

Directed Acyclic Workspaces' Graph (DAWG) DAWG allows you to organize your workspaces in the dir...

Browsers we recommend

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Chromium: version 58 or newer Google Chrome: version 58 or newer Microsoft Edge: version 16 or ...

How to create a header in your file using Command Line Interface Code processor

Meiro Integrations FAQ

If the data you receive does not have any headers you can add the header row using a simple BASH ...

How to clone a component/ workspace

Meiro Integrations FAQ

The cloning feature can be found at the top of a workspace, as well as at the top of a particular...

Quick tips

Meiro Integrations Getting Started

Reload cache Use Ctrl+r+Shift (or Ctrl+F5) to reload the page and to clear the cache. This short...

Tab: Trash

Meiro Integrations User Interface

Deleted or removed items  (workspaces, configurations, users)  can be found in the Trash tab. ...

Meiro User Security Guidelines

Meiro Business Explorer Introduction

To learn more about Meiro User Security Guidelines please refer to this article.

Terms & conditions

Meiro Business Explorer Introduction

To learn more about Meiro terms & conditions please refer to this article.

Tutorial: SQL on CSV processor sandbox

Meiro Integrations Tutorials

This article demonstrates how to create a sandbox for SQL on CSV processor in your local environm...


Meiro Integrations User Interface

Connectors, Processors, Loaders Each workspace can contain different types of components: Connec...

Processor IP Geolocation

Meiro Integrations Processors

IP GeoLocation is a processor that reads the IP addresses from a CSV and appends the CSV with loc...

Processor SQL on CSV

Meiro Integrations Processors

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, it lets you access and manipulates data in databases us...

Processor R from Git repository

Meiro Integrations Processors

The R from Git repository processor allows you to run an R code located in a Git repository. Meir...

Processor R Code

Meiro Integrations Processors

The R code processor allows you to transform data using R scripts. R is a free software environme...

Processor Python from Git repository

Meiro Integrations Processors

The Python from Git repository processor allows you to run a Python code located in a Git reposit...

Processor Python 3 Code

Meiro Integrations Processors

Overview The Python processor allows you to transform the data using Python scripts. Python is a...

Processor Postgres

Meiro Integrations Processors

PostgreSQL, often referred to as Postgres, is an object-relational database management system. P...

Processor Command Line Interface Code

Meiro Integrations Processors

Processor Command Line Interface Code intends to transform files in the configuration using Bash ...

What is the Meiro Data Privacy Policy

Meiro Events FAQs

To learn about Meiro Data Privacy, please refer to the Meiro website.  Data Privacy Policy for o...

Does Meiro have an opt-in/ opt-out process? Can a user decide if data is tracked?

Meiro Events FAQs

Yes, we do specify in our contracts that the owner of the website or mobile application where Mei...