Recently Updated Pages
What is the difference between /files and /tables folders
In general, the folder /tables contains only CSV tables and the folder /files contains all other ...
How to set up SSH keys
Sometimes when you want to connect to the database, you will be asked by the database administrat...
What are Webhooks? Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks to a specific event in the system. T...
Best Practices when setting up Destinations
Destination Colours In the current version of MBE, it is not possible to the icon colour of a de...
Reporting dashboard example: Google Ads insights
Impressions It shows the total number of impressions. Filterable by start date, e...
Reporting dashboard example: Mailing
Running campaigns It shows the number of running campaigns. Filterable by start dat...
Reporting dashboard example: KPI overview
Examples of charts: Customer Relationship Management Website Mailing Campaigns ...
Reporting dashboard example: Facebook page analytics
Followers It shows the total number of followers. Filterable by start date and end d...
Reporting dashboard example: LinkedIN page analytics
Followers It shows the total number of followers. Filterable by start date and end ...
Reporting dashboard example: Instagram page analytics
Followers It shows the total number of followers. Filterable by start date and end...
Reporting dashboard example: CRM analytics
New leads and evaluations till selected end date The number of opened leads qualifyi...
Attribute data types and sample values
Regular attributes and compound attributes have data types defined when created in the CDP on Bus...
How to create an Access Key and Secret Access Key for AWS S3
To set up a configuration for both AWS S3 connector and AWS S3 loader, you need to create an Acce...
Component Testing and Documentation guide
When do we need to test components? After a component, usually a connector or loader to a new pl...
Processor Great Expectations
Great Expectations is a processor that runs user-defined tests on their dataset. It can generally...
Workspace documentation
Workspace documentation standards The main purposes of workspace documentation are: handover ...
Will be updated after migration to Cockroach DB
Project Handover Procedures
What are the documentations that we need to complete to formalise the closure of a project / a pr...
Workspaces Monitoring Alert & Analyst Duty
Overview On all client instances that are in production, monitoring alerts have been set up. Whe...
Meiro Implementation Training
Meiro's training program aims to equip our analysts and implementation partners with knowledge an...