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User Interface Of Meiro Integrations

Meiro Integrations User Interface

Meiro means “Labyrinth” in Japanese. The logo of Meiro Integrations represents the data maze and ...

Updated 1 year ago by Iryna Navrotska


Meiro Knowledge Base

What hosting options are available for Meiro CDP? There are three hosting options av...

Updated 1 year ago by Iryna Navrotska

Compound attributes

Implementation Attributes Calculation

Learn from this article: What are compound attributes How compound attributes appear ...

Updated 1 year ago by Glenn

How to search & replace within a code editor

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Click inside the text editor (while in edit mode) and press cmd+f followed by ctrl+h (ctrl+f and ...

What does "Continue on Failure" mean?

Meiro Integrations FAQ

You can set any configuration in a workspace to the Continue on Failure state. This feature per...

How to set up a Jupyter notebook sandbox on localhost

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Sometimes it may be useful to set up a Jupyter “sandbox” in your own development environment with...

What "No running Worker" in the fail logs mean?

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Every configuration has its docker container. Meiro’s worker processes configuration details, col...

How to obtain credentials for Google Analytics

Meiro Integrations FAQ

1. Universal Analytics 2. Google Analytics 4 1. For Universal Analytics property 1.1 To obta...

How to use Description field formatting

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Can happen that your code, the name of the file/table or any other text is read as a description ...

What is the difference between a user and admin level of access

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Each person that uses Meiro Integrations can be granted either a user or admin level of access.  ...

Why does my AWS S3 loader configuration not write anything in the bucket

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Wait a few minutes and reload the AWS S3 webpage, as it can take some time to transfer files to...

How to move files from one folder in configuration to another using Command Line Interface Code processor

Meiro Integrations FAQ

In Meiro Integrations output files or tables in the connector or processor components are saved i...

What is the difference between /files and /tables folders

Meiro Integrations FAQ

In general, the folder /tables contains only CSV tables and the folder /files contains all other ...

How to set up SSH keys

Meiro Integrations FAQ

Sometimes when you want to connect to the database, you will be asked by the database administrat...

Facebook webhook

Meiro Events Meiro Webhooks

This article gives you knowledge of how webhooks send information from Facebook to Meiro Events. ...

Updated 1 year ago by Iryna Navrotska

AppsFlyer webhook

Meiro Events Meiro Webhooks

This article gives you knowledge of how webhooks send information from AppsFlyer to Meiro Events....

Updated 1 year ago by Iryna Navrotska

Adjust webhook

Meiro Events Meiro Webhooks

This article gives you knowledge of how webhooks send information from Adjust to Meiro Events.  ...

Updated 1 year ago by Iryna Navrotska


Meiro Events Meiro Webhooks

What are Webhooks? Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks to a specific event in the system. T...

Updated 1 year ago by Iryna Navrotska

Best Practices when setting up Destinations

Implementation Maintenance & Best Practices

Destination Colours In the current version of MBE, it is not possible to the icon colour of a de...

Updated 1 year ago by Glenn

Reporting dashboard example: Google Ads insights

Meiro Business Explorer Reporting dashboard

Impressions It shows the total number of impressions.  Filterable by start date,  e...

Updated 1 year ago by Iryna Navrotska