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Settings for the customer Profile Highlights label
In the customer Profile Highlights label, you can assign the label with attributes for the custom...
Mobile Push channel configurations
The Administration/Configurations/Channels tab in Meiro Business Explorer enables businesses to c...
Meta attributes setup
Entities setup is usually done by the Meiro team. In the Administration/Entities/Meta attribute...
Context queries setup
Entities setup is usually done by the Meiro technical consultant. In the Administration/Entitie...
Mobile Push: use cases
The Mobile Push tab enables designing mobile push notification and displaying it to the selected ...
Activation of mobile push campaign
To proceed with activating your campaign, please create a campaign and complete its content form....
Mobile Push campaign creation: step-by-step
The Channels/ Mobile Push tab allows sending personalized push notification messages to a segment...
Emails: use cases
In today's world, emails have become an essential communication channel, crucial in personal and ...
Emails: best practices
This article outlines recommended best practices for marketers to improve email deliverability ra...
Personalizing Email Content with CDP Attribute Data
Personalization is a crucial aspect of effective email marketing. By tailoring your emails to you...
Activation of email campaign
To proceed with activating your campaign, please create a campaign and complete its content form....
Meiro Customer Data Platform (CDP) - How does it all work together
Meiro Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a comprehensive solution that unifies customer data from mu...
Web banners: use cases library customizable close button
Prerequisites To work with web banners, first, they need to be set by the Meiro te...
Emails: instructions for developers
Introduction This documentation is a comprehensive guide for configuring and managing email-rela...
Lookalike segments
What Lookalike segments are? Lookalike segments are a powerful tool within Meiro Business Explor...
sGTM ME deployment guide
This guide describes hybrid deployment, which combines the best of Meiro SDK and sGTM. The hybrid...
Pop-up and native banners: instructions for developers
Prerequisites To work with on-site personalization, first, they need to be set by the ...
Meiro Events SDK public interface
MeiroEvents.init({} | string) Sets an endpoint for events collection and configures other additi...
Facebook Custom Anonymous Audience destination
Prerequisites for setting up Facebook Custom Anonymous Audience Loader The first step ...
External data for attributes
Define all kinds of attributes with Meiro’s CDP: simple ones like count, sum, minimum, maxim...