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Tab Channels/Journey Canvas

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

The Journey Canvas feature enables you to design and visualize customer journeys tailored to indi...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: Channels/ Mobile Push

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

The Channels / Mobile Push tab allows sending personalized push notification messages to a segmen...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab Channels/Web/Native banners

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

The "Web: Native banners" tab enables creating and setting rules to display native banners and di...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: Channels/ Promo codes

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

The Promo codes tab enables to insert of CSV files with promo codes that can be used further e.g....

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: Home page & notification center

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

The notification center is on the Home page, with updates for changes in Meiro Business Explorer....

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: Channels/Web/ Pop-up banners

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

The pop-up banners tab enables creating and setting rules to display pop-up banners and display t...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: User Settings

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

  When you click on the user logo, a dropdown window will appear displaying the following opti...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: Data library

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

Learn from this article about: Attributes tab Events tab Sources tab Destinations ...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: Segments

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

Learn from this article about: Custom Segments tab Featured Segments tab Smart Segment...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Tab: Profiles

Meiro Business Explorer User Interface

Learn from this article about:  Customer profile search Customer profile detail tab Da...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Events setup

Meiro Business Explorer Administration tab: Entities

Entities setup is usually done by the CDP technical consultant. In the Administration/Entities/E...

Updated 1 week ago by Iryna Navrotska

Meiro Mobile SDK

Meiro Events Meiro Events for mobile

The Meiro Mobile SDK is a powerful tool designed to enhance the capabilities of client iOS and An...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Iryna Navrotska

Email channel configurations

Meiro Business Explorer Administration tab: Configurations

The Administration/Configurations/Channels tab in Meiro Business Explorer enables businesses to c...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Iryna Navrotska

How to set up Meiro module in Adjust dashboard

Meiro Events Meiro Events for mobile

Adjust is a mobile attribution and analytics company. Integrating Meiro with Adjust will help you...

Introduction to Mobile Push channel

Meiro Business Explorer Mobile Push: tutorials & tips

The mobile push channel is a valuable tool for businesses to engage with their audience directly ...

Updated 4 weeks ago by Iryna Navrotska

System events for Mobile Push

Meiro Business Explorer Mobile Push: tutorials & tips

Once you have successfully configured at least one Firebase project and app, system events will a...

Updated 1 month ago by Iryna Navrotska

Mobile Push channel configurations

Meiro Business Explorer Administration tab: Configurations

The Administration/Configurations/Channels tab in Meiro Business Explorer enables businesses to c...

Updated 1 month ago by Iryna Navrotska


Meiro Business Explorer Analytics

What are funnels? Funnels in Meiro are a powerful analytical tool designed to provide insights i...

Updated 1 month ago by Iryna Navrotska

Adjust webhook

Meiro Events Meiro Webhooks

This article gives you knowledge of how webhooks send information from Adjust to Meiro Events.  ...

Updated 1 month ago by Iryna Navrotska

Web: how to set promo codes in banners

Meiro Business Explorer Web: Pop-up and Native Banner Campaign

Prerequisites To work with on-site personalization, first, they need to be set by the Me...

Updated 1 month ago by Iryna Navrotska