Releases in Mar-May, 2022
Major features:
Embedded web banners
The new feature is located in the Personalization/Embedded web banners subtab. While pop up banners are displayed in front of the website content, embedded web banners are appearing exactly as embedded within the website content.
Web banner display condition added: page load, on a scroll through % of the website ,website, on exit
Now users may set the display condition of pop up and embedded web banners, for example, it is possible to show a web banner on a page load, within the exact percentage of the scroll or when a user is about to exit the website.
Segment ID displayed within segment detail
The ID of a segment is displayed in the segments detail.
“Event retention” section added to the Setup tab/ Events tab
It is possible to set the number of days that events will be stored. It is recommended to avoid storing events for too long as it may influence the costs of data storage.