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Tab: Customers

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Customers Search

Customer Detail tab

Data Protection

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The Customers tab enables browsing through individual customer profiles.

The search by default is conducted only within a maximum of 20 unhidden attributes which are tagged by the Customer Highlights label. If the Customer Highlights label is not set or there are no unhidden attributes to search on, then the search will fail.

Warning: to solve the failing search, you should either set the label in Customer Highlights or assign the label to at least one visible attribute.

If you want to search for the customers outside the attributes tagged by the Customer Highlights label, then select a specific attribute in the attribute picker and either click the search button to see customers with this attribute known, or insert a value to search for. 


Remember: Search should contain at least 3 characters. 

Search results contain:

  • Customer ID that displays the identity ID assigned during the identity stitching process,
  • Data Source,
  • Attribute,
  • Value for this attribute,
  • Additional attribute (if set by administrator e.g. first name, email, last interaction).

Add the customer profile to favorites and see it on the top of the Customers tab. Favorite customers will be displayed, if you go to the "Customers tab" and refresh the page. 

Warning: Please be aware that as the process of identity stitching is dynamic, customer profile IDs may change over time (for example, two profiles may be merged into one as more data becomes available). This can result in a single customer entity appearing multiple times in search results. However, duplicate customer profiles should be removed from the database over a certain period of time. As a result, you may encounter errors when trying to access previously saved pages or not finding your favorite customer profiles.

Customer Detail tab

Click on a particular customer to see the customer details (attributes, timeline, identity graph). 

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Various cards displaying customer attributes, including Customer Highlights and Channel Engagement, are displayed at the top of the page.

Customer Highlights

Customer Highlights showcase personal information gathered from multiple data sources. Within the Customers tab, only the attributes in the Customer Highlights are searchable.

Learn more: about how to set Customer Highlights

Channel Engagement

Channel Engagement displays customer activity across different data sources and helps identify channels with high or low engagement levels.

Learn more: about how Channel Engagement works and how to set it

      The Segment and Destination Participation

      This part in the customer detail displays a list of clickable customer segments and destinations where the customer belongs and where he can be exported.

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      The "customer currently in these segments" is displayed in a clickable list format, providing an overview of the customer's participation. However, accessing the details of an individual segment is dependent on the view access granted to you.

      The "eligible activations" determines whether a customer is exportable to a destination. A green tick will appear next to the destination if the mandatory attribute is used in the destination settings and the customer is known to have it, indicating their eligibility for export.it. If the customer does not have thethis mandatoryattribute attribute,known, there will be no green tick, and theythe customer will not appear in the export list.

      If the destination does not have any mandatory attribute set, then the customer will be eligible for export to that destination.


      Below are listed all available attributes for that particular customer, together with their data sources. 

      All the available attributes across the platform are listed in the Data tab/ Attributes tab. Attributes can be personalized to customers’ needs by a Meiro analyst. Please contact the Meiro team if you would like to discuss this further.


      A chronological timeline of the customer's activity and the Customer Events chart.

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      Identity Graph shows how your customer entity has been stitched from various identifiers across data sources. It includes details such as the web browser, device information, geographical location, the URL of the page and so forth in order to gain a better understanding of how a unified customer identity was built.

      All identifiers are color-coded based on the identifier type.

      Learn more: Identity stitching and how customer identity appears.

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      Data Protection

      Data protection settings can be enabled or disabled in the Administration tab/ Settings tab. Enabling this feature helps to limit access to customer information for non-authorized users.

      Learn more: How to manage data protection

      Learn more: about what can I understand through the customer profile.

      Learn more: about Identity stitching and how customer identity appears