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Meiro Knowledge Base

This chapter contains a collection of articles that provide information on various aspects of Meiro CDP, including identity stitching, data collection, API usage, attribute definition, hosting options, and more. Additionally, there is a section for marketing teams.

If you need technical support while using Meiro System, please contact us at 'help@meiro.io'.

Meiro Audience API

The API endpoint is developed to check if a customer entity belongs to a defined segment in Meiro...

Meiro Customer Data Platform (CDP) - How does it all work together

Learn from this article about: Meiro Events Meiro Integrations Meiro Business Explor...

Identity stitching and how customer profile's identity appears

Learn from this article about: Data collection Identity stitching Browse through s...

What happens to the data if I decide to stop using Meiro?

All your data belongs to you and is backed up by Meiro Terms & Conditions. This means that by d...

How to implement a key in the local storage with timestamp on GTM

Insert the following script into a Tag in Google Tag Manager: <script> window.localStorage....

External data for attributes

Define all kinds of attributes with  Meiro’s CDP: simple ones like count, sum, minimum, maxim...

For marketing teams


What hosting options are available for Meiro CDP? There are three hosting options av...