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Tab: Data

TheLearn Datafrom tabthis summarisesarticle all the information about the available data:about:


Diagnostic Dashboard

It is easy to get lost in a vast amount of data. The Diagnostic Dashboard helps you to get a better understanding of the bigger picture and overall tendencies of customer behaviours. 

Remember: As the Diagnostic Dashboard is hardcoded and cannot be changed, its layout stays the same for the different projects. Data sources that appear in the Number of Unique Customers Identified Across x Sources and Number of Customers Identified Per Source can be set in the Setup tab/ Sources tab.


Thefrequency ofupdates for the Diagnostic Dashboard is set in the Administration tab/ Settings tab.

sourcescanbe managed in the Setup tab/ Sources tab.

CustomerAttributescanbe edited in the Setup tab/ Attributes tab.

This number is the total canbeedited in the Setup tab/ Events tab.

Editingidentityrules, based on which customers profiles are stitched is possible in the Setup tab/ Identity Stitching tab.

Data updated:updated On the top of the page is possible to see howHow long ago the dashboard has been updated.updated
Connected Sources:sources ThisNumber refers toof all the data sources connected. All connected sources are listed in the Data tab/ Sources&Destinations tab  Connected
Customer Attributes:attributes Total Attributesnumber showsof howcustomer manyall attributesattributes. have been created. All attributes are listed in the Data tab/ Attributes tab.
Customer Attributesattributes Values:values Total number of availablevalues for attribute values.


all customers. 

Total Events:events Total Events field shows the total number of events  thatfor areall available based on the data sources.customers. All listed events are available in the Data tab/ Events tab.tab. Events
The number of customers:customers TThis refers to the totalotal number of customers whose profiles have been identified.customers. Browsing through all customer profiles is possible in the Customers tab.
The average number of events per customer:customer The average number of events  per customer helps to identifysee the average density of information we have available for a customer. 




New events over time(1): SThis stackedtacked chart showswith the number of events collected by your project daily overtime.collected. Watch out for extreme dips or spikes as they might indicate irregularity in the data.

Number of identified customers over time (2): This chart shows theThe number of identified customers for your brand overacross the last number of days.time. Watch out for extreme dips or spikes as they might indicate irregularity in the data and/or customers' identification process. 

Customers updated in the last 7 days (3): This chart shows if customer's attributes are kept up to date. Immediate updates happen each time when a new event arrives. Also when a customer entity merges with other customer entity. Depends on the instance full entities refresh happen from 1- 7 days.




Itis possible to choose the data source displayed in this chart in the Setup tab/ Sources tab.

The number of unique customers identified across x sources(1): This chart shows theThe number of customers that are identified through x sources. The maximum of x is the total number of data sources. The higher the number of identified customers across data sources, the better the performance of customer profiling process, and the better the quality of the customer profile output.

The number of customers identified per source(2): This profile shows the number of identified customers per data source



This chart shows customer

The number of events per event type(1): Customer engagement across different types of events captured in your project. Check out which channels and/or activities your customer engages with the most.

The number of customers per attribute(2): This chart shows theThe number of identified customers by each attribute in your projects.

The time since the last event received(3): This chart shows theThe elapsed time since the last event of each event type. Events are usually collected daily. If the event data reception time is exceeded, it may indicate that your data is not collected frequently enough. In some cases, this may indicate that there are no new events available (for example there have not been transactions for that particular day made).  



Insights tab

Insights are a set of tiles that summarizefor the dataall thatcustomer matterdatabase to you.  Insights tab placedare in the Data tabtab/ displaysInsights insighttab. values for your whole customers' database. Insights for each segmentedsegment audience andare in the SegmentsSegment Detail tab/Detail/ Insights tab.tab.

Search:Search through insights:

  • By name.
  • By data source of the attribute, the insight is calculated from.


See for how many customers your insights are calculated for. Insights under the Data tab are calculated for the whole customers' database available.

In the Segmented box, you will find a "segmented number/ out of all customers | percentage". for:


Each insight displays: 

  • Data source: The data source for the chosen attribute. It is assigned automatically as each attribute is calculated from a particular data source. 
  • Name of the insight: Name of the insight and info note (optional). The name and description can be edited by the admin in the Administration tab. 
  • Add to favorites (Coming Soon)
  • Expand: By clicking on the Expand button, you will expand the tile to see more insight (if available) or simply make insight bigger. 
  • Insight result: The attribute's condition specified for that insight, as well as the result of the calculation. Attributes and conditions for insights can be edited by the admin in the Administration tab. 
  • Summary: Summary of how many customers out of segmented customers we know this attribute. 



Attributes tab


Under theThe Attributes tab,tab you have:shows:

  • Name of attributes,
  • Descriptions of all available attributes,
  • Their data source(s),
  • Labels assigned to attributes. To understand the usage of labels please refer to this article,
  • Examples of a particular attribute.



Events tab



UnderEvents thetab Events tab, you have:shows:

  • Name of events,
  • Events data sources
  • Examples of events.




Sources & Destinations tab

The Sources & Destinations tab lists connected sources, as well as possible destinations you can export your data to. 


Connected Sources

The Sources & Destinations tab lists connected data sources, as well as possible destinationssegment export you can export your data to. destinations.

Connected Sources

UnderIn the Connected Sources section,section you have:see:

  • The name of the source and description, 
  • The date added. 

Connected Destinations

UnderIn the Connected Destinations section,section you have:see:

  • Destinations names and descriptions,
  • Exported attributes (attributes that will be exported to your chosen destination),
  • Mandatory attributes (attributes that must be present in order to export to the destination)
  • Last export date. 


Learn more

Learn more: Understand the bigger picture of your data