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What is Meiro Events and how it works

Meiro Events is the first layer of the Meiro CDP stack in response to the recent privacy changes. Meiro Events is the first layer of the Meiro CDP stack. Our comprehensive tracking solution includes both a JavaScript library ( used for collecting customer events from a website’s visitors) and back-end components. Its seamless integration ensures accurate tracking of user interactions with your website and in apps, collecting customer events such as page views, form submissions, conversions, and more.

Meiro Events is able to accept, enrich and store data from:

  • Web (using ME SDK)
  • Webhooks (like Facebook, Appsflyer)
  • Mobile applications
  • Any other source which can do HTTP POST with JSON payload.

Meiro Events have a couple of important features:

  • It is fully customizable to track any event with JSON. 
  • Works on any browser and is considered a native part of your web or mobile app.
  • Works on any device. 

Learn more: 3rd party cookies,  challenges of web tracking.

How it works

To identify the user, Meiro Events looks for user id cookies. In cases when a cookie can not be found, Meiro Events look for it in the local storage (the browser's persistent storage). It is essential to know that users often delete cookies but do not clear local storage, therefore, the information stored there is safer. 

In cases when it is not possible to find a user id cookie in the website’s browser, a new cookie user id is assigned to the user. For example, if your user connects through VPN, it will still be recognized as the same user but logged from different geolocation.

Learn more: about Cookies and data stored in browser storage

Meiro Events server stores and enriches the events from the information collected from a website.

Usually, in the request-response model, a browser asks the server and gets a response as a stateless protocol. Every request-response is isolated and does not have a context of previous requests and responses. So If one wishes to know that two different events come from the same browser, this cannot be seen from the server-side.

Meiro Events is not built to replace a general-purpose web analytics tool such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics.

Meiro Events tracks an identified individual known only to you instead of ‘an audience’.

A simple example is demographic data that tool like Google Analytics has available. With the amount of data Google Analytics processes across all websites where it runs, it is possible to use data science to attribute to different users things like gender and age group based on exhibited behavior such as types of pages visited.


In the screenshots below, we demonstrate that we are collecting events from our web to our Meiro Events instance in:

  • Brave (privacy-focused browser),
  • Chrome (with Do not track enabled),
  • Firefox (with strict tracking prevention enabled),
  • Safari (with their newest ITP2.2.

All those browsers have uBlock Origin, AdBlock, and Ghostery installed (where available).

If you look at the screenshots, you see that all events have been successfully collected (all marked as green). It is because we are collecting data for the client as a part of the client's application. We are not sharing the data with anyone and it is for the client's purposes. 


Learn more 

Learn more: Check different types of events possible to collect in this article.

Learn more: Check customizable events in this article. 

Learn more: How to deploy Meiro Events SDK on the website in this article. Please contact the team to learn about Meiro Events on mobile applications.