Meiro customer data platform (CDP)- how does it all work together
- Meiro Events: collect accurate 1st party customers’ data,
- Meiro Integrations: process data from various sources to various destinations,
- Meiro Business Explorer: in a user-friendly environment browse through unified data from various sources, check your customer journeys and profiles, as well as get ready to act on the data that matters to you.
Learn more about customer data platforms (CDP) from this article and Meiro blog.
Meiro Events
Meiro Events is built as the first layer of the CDP stack to collect customers’ data from websites and mobile applications.
Meiro Events is treated as 1st party data, therefore is possible to collect more data than from 3rd party providers, for a longer time (up to 2 years).
Although it is recommended to use Meiro Events for data collection, it is not a prerequisite for using Meiro products.
To learn more about Meiro Events please refer to this documentation.
Meiro Integrations
In Meiro Integrations data can be collected from various data sources, processed and delivered to data destinations.
Usually, this work is performed by skilled data analysts that can easily clean and process available data to make the most use of it.
To learn more about Meiro Integrations please refer to this documentation.
Meiro Business Explorer
Meiro Business Explorer, with its a user-friendly interface, allows browsing through the customers’ database, building segments, seeing individual customers profiles and reporting on data. Meiro Business Explorer is easy to use for even non-technical users. Segmented customers can be easily exported to the chosen data destination within clicks.
Between Meiro Integrations and Meiro Business Explorer data is stored in the data warehouse (either your choice or managed by us).
To learn more about Meiro Business Explorer please refer to this documentation.