Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
Meiro Integrations
User Interface
Connectors, Processors, Loaders Each workspace can contain different types of components: Connec...
Glossary: what is what in Meiro Integrations
Meiro Integrations
The terms used in Meiro Integrations and their meanings. Activity An overview of all configurat...
User Interface Of Meiro Integrations
Meiro Integrations
User Interface
Meiro means “Labyrinth” in Japanese. The logo of Meiro Integrations represents the data maze and ...
Naming conventions
Meiro Integrations
Best Practices
We recommend using only alphanumeric characters [a-z, A-Z, 0-9], as well as _ and -. It is good ...
Tab: DAWG Detail
Meiro Integrations
User Interface
DAWG (Directed Acyclic Workspaces' Graph) Detail By clicking on a particular DAWG workspace, you...