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Loader Google Analytics 4 Audience

The Google Ads Customer Match Audience allows businesses to create custom audiences within Google Ads Audiences by utilizing their own customer data. By extracting data from a provided CSV table, businesses can build anonymous audiences tailored to their specific marketing goals. With this feature, businesses can leverage their collected data to deliver personalized advertisements that target specific audience segments, resulting in more effective and relevant ad campaigns.

Business value in CDP

Within the Customer Data Platform, the Google Ads Customer Match Audience loader enables the creation of highly customized audiences based on specific attributes or behaviors. This sophisticated audience targeting empowers businesses to transform raw customer data into personalized and relevant ads, ensuring that their messaging resonates with distinct segments of their customer base. 

Difference between Google loaders
Feature ComparisonGoogle Ads Customer Match AudienceGoogle Analytics AudienceGoogle Analytics 4 Audience
PurposeCreate custom audiences in Google AdsAudience segmentationAdvanced audience creation
Audience CreationThe audience is created using data from external data sources (e.g., email, phone numbers)

Audiences are based on website and app interactions, such as pages visited, events triggered, or acquisition sources.

Audiences can be created based on user properties, events, or combinations of both, allowing for more granular and specific targeting

Data SourceExternal CSV table containing customer dataWebsite and app data collected through the Google Analytics tracking codeWebsite and app data collected through the GA4 tracking code
Use Cases for CDPTailors advertisements for audience segments, making it an ideal tool for personalized ad campaigns using external customer dataInforms marketing strategies based on user behavior, allowing businesses to understand and target specific segments in their audience for improved engagementEnables highly targeted and dynamic ads, leveraging the comprehensive user properties and events tracked in GA4. Ideal for businesses seeking advanced audience customization through a CDP

Steps for setting up Google Analytics 4 Audience Loader

Follow this step-by-step guide to configure the component:

  1. The first step is to configure Meiro Events for Google. You can refer to this article for guidance.
  2. Next, set up the loader within Meiro Integration by following the instructions given in this article.
  3. Set up the loader as a destination in CDP. Read here
  4. Continue with exporting your segmented customer profiles. Refer to this article.

Setting up the loader in MI

For setting Google Ads Customer Match Audience as a destination within Meiro Integration, use the Google Ads Customer Match Audience loader component.

This loader is used for importing Google Client IDs to Google Analytics 4 accounts. 

Component process:

  1. The component will read the configuration.
  2. Parse data from the CSV file.
  3. The component will send data (each Google Client ID) to Google Analytics in 10 threads.

Learn more: about Google Analytics 4 measurement protocol API documentation here

Data In/ Data Out

Data In

The loader requires an export.csv file in the directory /data/in/tables/export.csv 

File structure: 



10278832e8dd78d0095bf0022b7cb77d,"[""328282852.1594253327"", ""343221314.1594879134""]"

  • Name of the google_client_id_column_name is configurable in the config.json file.
  • Google_client_id_column_name is required in the input file.
  • Data type: Array [string].
  • All additional columns and their values are sent as custom payload (key-value pairs) in the event ‘params’ property.

Data Out


Learn more: about the folder structure please go to this article.



image (4).png

Google Analytics 4 - Measurement ID (required)

The measurement ID that is associated with a stream. It can be found in the Google Analytics UI under: 

  • Admin > Data Streams > choose your stream > Measurement ID

Instructions on how to find Measurement ID and API secret credentials: How to find credential... | Meiro Docs

API Secret (required)

An API secret that is generated in the Google Analytics UI. To create a new secret, navigate to: 

  • Admin > Data Streams > choose your stream > measurement protocol > create
Instructions on how to find Measurement ID and API secret credentials: How to find credential... | Meiro Docs


Screenshot 2022-04-04 at 4.57.17 PM.png

Google Client ID - Column Name (required)

The name of the column with Google Client IDs (see Input file structure section).

  • Data type: string

Audience Name (required)

The name of the audience (parameter visible in Google Analytics 4 account).

  • Data type: string

Segment ID (required)

The ID of the exported segment.

  • Data type: string


  "parameters": {
    "credentials": {
      "measurement_id": "G-XXXXXXXXXX",
      "#api_secret": "###"
    "audience": {
      "google_client_id_column_name": "me_google_id_all",
      "audience_name": "most valuable customers",
      "segment_id": "42"