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Loader Google Ads Customer Match Audience

The Google Ads Customer Match Audience allows businesses to create custom audiences within Google Ads Audiences by utilizing their own customer data. By extracting data from a provided CSV table, businesses can build anonymous audiences tailored to their specific marketing goals. With this feature, businesses can leverage their collected data to deliver personalized advertisements that target specific audience segments, resulting in more effective and relevant ad campaigns.

Business value in CDP

Within the Customer Data Platform, the Google Ads Customer Match Audience loader enables the creation of highly customized audiences based on specific attributes or behaviors. This sophisticated audience targeting empowers businesses to transform raw customer data into personalized and relevant ads, ensuring that their messaging resonates with distinct segments of their customer base. 

Difference between Google loaders
Feature Comparison Google Ads Customer Match Audience Google Analytics Audience Google Analytics 4 Audience
Purpose Create custom audiences in Google Ads Audience segmentation Advanced audience creation
Audience Creation The audience is created using data from external data sources (e.g., email, phone numbers)

Audiences are based on website and app interactions, such as pages visited, events triggered, or acquisition sources.

Audiences can be created based on user properties, events, or combinations of both, allowing for more granular and specific targeting

Data Source External CSV table containing customer data Website and app data collected through the Google Analytics tracking code Website and app data collected through the GA4 tracking code
Use Cases for CDP Tailors advertisements for audience segments, making it an ideal tool for personalized ad campaigns using external customer data Informs marketing strategies based on user behavior, allowing businesses to understand and target specific segments in their audience for improved engagement Enables highly targeted and dynamic ads, leveraging the comprehensive user properties and events tracked in GA4. Ideal for businesses seeking advanced audience customization through a CDP

Channels for Activation

In dynamic digital marketing, Google Ads is a central hub for strategic tools and partnerships. From precise audience targeting with Google Marketing Platform (GMP) to streamlined operations via collaborations with Customer Match, HubSpot, Salesforce, Shopify, and Zapier, marketers find unparalleled opportunities to refine campaigns and boost effectiveness within the Google Ads ecosystem.

  • Google Marketing Platform (GMP): Unify marketing and analytics tools for a comprehensive view, enabling effective tracking and optimization of campaigns across channels and fostering informed decisions.

  • Google Optimize: Refine user experiences through data-backed website experiments, optimizing site performance and engagement, improving conversion rates and user satisfaction.

  • Google Play: Leverage app user insights by creating targeted remarketing lists, tracking in-app purchases, and analyzing user actions, empowering strategic app-based marketing efforts and enhancing user retention.

  • Google Search Console: Harness insights into site performance within Google Search, empowering informed SEO strategies to increase visibility and drive organic traffic effectively.

Google Partnerships offer enhanced functionalities:

  • Customer Match: Leverage partner data for precision targeting, shaping highly targeted ad campaigns within Google Ads.
  • HubSpot via Zapier: Seamlessly integrate and automate data flow between HubSpot and other platforms, streamlining operations for enhanced efficiency.
  • Salesforce: Foster collaborative sales and marketing efforts within Google Ads, leading to a more unified and effective approach to campaign management.
  • Shopify: Sync and analyze data for personalized campaigns within Google Ads, optimizing customer engagement and conversion rates.
  • Zapier: Automate tasks and streamline workflows within Google Ads, allowing marketers to focus on impactful strategic activities.

Learn more: about integrations with Google Analytics and Google Ads here.

Steps for setting up Google Ads Customer Match Audience Loader

Follow this step-by-step guide to configure the component:

  1. The first step is to set up the loader within Meiro Integration by following the instructions given in this article.
  2. Set up the loader as a destination in CDP. Read here
  3. Continue with exporting your segmented customer profiles. Refer to this article.

Setting up the loader in MI

For setting Google Ads Customer Match Audience as a destination within Meiro Integration, use the Google Ads Customer Match Audience loader component.


To use the loader client_id and client_secret should be set in the OAuth repo. 

Learn more: about client_id and client_secret here.

Data In/ Data Out

Data In

The loader requires a CSV file in the directory /data/in/tables/import.csv

File structure:

John,Doe,US,10011,+1 234 5678910,test@meiro.io

If the list_upload_key_type is not defined or is set to CONTACT_INFO, you must provide at least one of the following identifiers:

  • Email

  • Phone_number

  • Address identifier - if an address is provided, then all of its fields are required:

    • First_name
    • Last_name
    • Country_code
    • Postal_code

If the list_upload_key_type parameter is set to CRM_ID, then a field third_party_user_id is required.

If the list_upload_key_type parameter is set to MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID, then the CSV file must contain a field mobile_id.

If there are any unknown columns, they will be ignored. An exception is raised if any of the following is true for: 

  • the table schema (i.e., CSV file header);

  • the data (i.e., values in a particular record): if there are no usable fields or an incomplete number of address identifier fields.

Data Out


Learn more: about the folder structure here.


Developer token


A unique identifier assigned to an application by Google that grants access to the Google Ads API and controls the API usage limits and environment.

Learn more: about how to obtain a developer token

Customer ID


The Google Ads client account customer ID. Both 123-456-7890 and 1234567890 formats are accepted.

Learn more: about how to find your Google Ads customer ID

Manager account ID


The ID of a Google Ads Manager account

List name (to create)

When creating a customer match list, this string is used as its name.
If the List ID is defined, then settings for List name are ignored. If the List ID is not defined, the List Name is a required field.

List ID (to update)


Allows you to update an existing user list by uploading a CSV file to the same user list using a unique list ID, e.g., 7927172198. It's important to ensure that the list already exists and is of the same type as specified in the list upload key type. The user identifiers will be added to the list but the existing ones will not be removed.

In case the list ID parameter is not supplied, a new list is created with the specified List Name.

Warning: if you try to use a different "list upload key type" than those used when the list was created, it will throw an error.

List Membership Life Span


The number of days a user's cookie stays on your list since its most recent addition to the list. This parameter can be set to any value between 0 and 540, and the default value is 30. However, for CRM-based user lists, this parameter can be set to 10000, which means no expiration.

Learn more: about mobile advertising IDs and list membership lifespan parameters here.

List upload key type


The matching key type of the list. Mixed data types are not allowed on the same list. Possible values:

  • CONTACT_INFO (default)

  • CRM_ID

  • MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID (If you choose MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID as the matching key type for the list upload, it is mandatory to specify the Mobile App ID parameter as well).

Remember: using this parameter limits the fields available for matching.

Learn more: about Customer Match Upload Key Type and List upload key type parameter.

Mobile App ID


A string that uniquely identifies a mobile application from which the data was collected. 

Learn more: about Mobile App ID

Pre-hashed Email/Phone keys


Check if the values of email/phone keys are already pre-hashed in the input CSV, otherwise, leave it unchecked.

Pre-hashed First/Last name keys

Check if the values of first/last name keys are already pre-hashed in the input CSV, otherwise, leave it unchecked.