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Tab: Personalization/ Pop-up banners

Pop Pop-up web banners tab enables creating and setting rules to display pop pop-up banners and display them to the users on the chosen  website.


To work with pop pop-up web banners, first, they need to be set by the Meiro team:

  1. Meiro Events must be implemented.  
  2. Pop Web/Pop-up web banners tab must be enabled by the administrator for your user role.
  3. Meiro Events API connection must be set in the Administration/ Settings tab.
Global settings

Global settings enable the setting of the global rules applicable forto all pop pop-up web banners. They are optional and do not need to be set. Rules can be edited at any time. Global setting rules will also overwrite individual settings for each pop pop-up web banner.  

Global count for all banners per user

Rule: {number} times during period {number} session/ hours/ days

The rule works across all banners. It limits the number of banners displayed for 1 user.

Warning: the number of impressions is stored in the browser's local storage. If the local storage is cleared, the user may see the pop pop-up web banner more times.  

Learn more: about  about cookies.

Show banner after a number of page views

Rule: After {number} pageviews

The rule works across all banners. It specifies after how many page views during 1 session banners will be displayed.

Pop Pop-up web banners list



Search for popa pop-up web banner name.


The name of the pop pop-up web banner.  


The priority is assigned to the pop pop-up web banner (from 0 to 10, where 10 is the highest). Can be edited in the pop pop-up web banner.


Publish/ unpublish pop pop-up web banner.

Modified at

Date and time when the pop pop-up web banner was modified, and who didmade changes to the web banner.

Edit/ Delete

Edit popthe pop-up web banner's form or delete a pop pop-up web banner.  Deleted Pop Pop-up Web Banners are stored in the trash tab.

Learn more: about how to restore deleted web banneritems

Pop Pop-up web banner form

Name pop pop-up webbanner



Name of web banner that will be visible in the list of web banners set on the Pop Pop-up web banner tab.
When to display pop pop-up web banner
  • Conditions to display pop pop-up webbanners: banners:


  • What date/ time: datetime, day of the week, Hours of the day,
  • -

  • Other available conditions:

    • browser language, browser, cookie, device, Google Tag Manager, hostname, HTTP, local storage, page titles, pathname, referrer, URL, UTM campaign, UTM medium, and UTM source.

  • Frequency cap (optional)
  • Priority (required)
  • Display conditions (optional)
How to display pop pop-up web banner
  • HTML/ image web banner design (required)
  • Minimized web banner design (optional)

Select "Active" if you wish a pop pop-up web banner to be displayed straight after creation.  

Learn more: about pop pop-up web banner form & conditions

Learn more: web  banners tutorials and best practices