Tab: Administration

The Administration tab is visible only to users with permission granted to seeview this tab.
Users tab |
On the users' page, you can view the total list of users:
- Names of users,
- Email addresses,
- Last login and an option to resend the invitation,
- Role (to learn more about available roles and accesses please refer to this article),
- Statuses of users (enabled/disabled).
Within this tab, It is possible to:
- Invite/ Create a new user/ admin account (this is done without confirmation by email, the newly created user will have admin level of access assigned by default),
- Change the assigned role of a user,
- Enable or disable the user (disabled users will be greyed out),
- Resend invitations to users or copy it to the clipboard.
- Edit names, emails and passwords,
- Remove a user (the removed user will remain in the Trash tab and can be restored).
Roles tab
With the Roles tab, it is possible to set and customize multiple user roles.
An administrator can:
SeeView a list of existing roles and edit them,
- Name new user roles,
- Choose a set of accesses for
thisuser user.role.
Learn more: To learn how to set up user roles and what accesses are possible please refer to this article.
Settings tab
The administrator can change the overall settings for Meiro Business Explorer.
- Database
connection connection where customer data is being prepared. It is usually setSet by the Meiro team.
- Customers Entities DB set by the Meiro team.
- MI API connection
and API settings. It is needed for connecting sources & destinations,destinations. usually setSet by the Meiro team.
- ME API connection and API settings. It is needed for connecting web
banners,banners. usually setSet by the Meiro team.
- Customer tab additional attribute to show additional attribute for customers search results.
- Customer Identifiers label for attributes in Customer Identifiers in the Customer Detail tab.
- Channel Engagement
label label for attributes in Channel Engagement in Customer Profile.
- Data cache expiration that follows cron syntax and sets the time when the cache should be invalidated and generated. The administrator should set it right after the process of ingesting new data is done. It will be displayed in the Diagnostic Dashboard (“Data updated: h/min ago”)
PII Protection enables or disables data protection for attributes marked with chosen labels.
- Maintenance notification email (s) where all
importantalerts/ notificationserrors will be sent.
Learn more: about Administrator's first steps.