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Channel Engagement-how does it work and how to set it up

How it works

How to set it up

How it works

Channel Engagement chart helps you to understand how data sources/ channels are popular among your clients. 

This can help you to identify channels (data sources) with high/ low engagement.

Engagement is calculated based on the 90th percentile of a given value across all customers (maximum and minimum values) that helps to demonstrate how engaged a customer is compared to the most engaged person. Currently, 100 is set as a maximum value, but it can be personalised to the customer's needs (please contact the Meiro team).


How to set it up

To set Channel Engagement, it is important to:

- first, define attributes for Channel Engagement (Setup tab/ Attributes tab)

- after that label them, for example, "Channel Engagement" (Setup tab/ Labels)

- pick the label for Channel Engagement (Administration tab/ Settings tab)