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Facebook Custom Audience destination

Prerequisites for setting up Facebook Custom Audience Loader

  1. The first step is to configure Meiro Events for Facebook Custom Audience. You can refer to this article for guidance.
  2. Set up the loader within Meiro Integration by following the instructions given in the article.

After you finalize the first step, you can proceed with the following:

3. Set up the loader as a destination in CDP. This step is described below in this article. 

4. Export segmented customer profiles to the destination. Read here.

    Setting up Facebook Custom Audience destination in CDP

    The destination can be set in the Meiro Business Explorer in the Administration/Entities/Destination tab. The setup is usually done by the Meiro technical consultant.

    Destination ID

    (required, not editable)

    "The Destination ID" is a numeric value that analysts will refer to within the Meiro Integrations environment. After you choose the ID, it will not be possible to change it later on.

    Find the right workspace in Meiro Integrations, with  the CDP component responsible for the data load:


    Check Destination ID in Meiro Integrations:

    destination ID MI.png

    Insert Destination ID in the Meiro Business Explorer.




    The name will be visible across the Meiro Business Explorer for the users (Data library/Destination tab, segment detail)



    It is possible to add a description to the destination. The description will be displayed in the Data Library/ Destination tab.



    The icon will be visible across the Meiro Business Explorer for the users (insights, Data Library/  Attributes, Sources and Destinations tabs,  segments, and customer profiles).

    Exported attributes


    Exported attributes are attributes that will be exported to the destinations. 

    The full list of possible attributes to export to Facebook Ads includes:

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Phone number
    • Email
    • Advertising ID

    Facebook loader requires at least one of the following attributes to create an audience:

    • Email 
    • Phone number
    • Advertising ID

    First name and last name are optional, but the more information available, the better the match rate in Facebook Business Manager.


    Learn more: Please refer to the Best practices when using customer information for a Custom Audience article by Facebook.

    Mandatory attributes


    Mandatory attributes are attributes that must be present to export to the destinations.

    For Facebook export, that will be one of the following:

    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Advertising ID

    Meiro Integrations


    "MI workspace" refers to the workspace in Meiro Integration, which will be executed when the segment is exported.

    To run exports, you need to know the name of the workspace. You should get the name of the respective workspace from the Meiro data analyst.

    Meiro data analyst handles the Meiro Integration's workspace preparation and data transformation for a specific destination (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics). Each destination requires a different (very specific) data structure.


    Audience Name


    Facebook destination requires setting up an Audience Name parameter. A business user must fill in to export a segment to a Facebook Audience.

    Learn more: The audience is a selected group of your customers that you wish to communicate with. To learn about Facebook audiences, please refer to the official Facebook documentation.

    Meiro Integration key: audience_name

    It is set up by analysts and needs to be the same key as in workspace variables in Meiro Integrations.

    Name: Audience Name

    The name will be displayed for the user in the segments export parameter section.

    Required field: ticked

    This field is required to be filled to export to Facebook.

    Value from list: not ticked

    Ticked makes a possible selection from the value drop-down list. Unticked disables drop-down list.

    User Input: ticked

    This field is required to be filled to export to Facebook.

    audience name facebook audience.png

    Example: As in the screenshot above audience_name will refer to Meiro Integrations workspace, while for business users in Meiro Business Explorer segment exports, this field will be visible as "Audience name". It will be a required field without a drop-down and user input required.



    Audience ID


    The Audience ID parameter will specify which audience will be updated (you can get that ID from the URL in Facebook Business Manager).

    If the Audience ID is not specified, a new audience will be created.

    Meiro Integration key: fb_audience_id

    It is set up by analysts and needs to be the same key as in workspace variables in Meiro Integrations.

    Name: Audience ID

    The name will be displayed for the user in the segments export parameter section.

    Required field: not ticked

    This field is optional to be filled to export to Facebook.

    Value from list: not ticked

    Ticked makes a possible selection from the value drop-down list. Unticked disables drop-down list.

    User Input: ticked

    This field is required to be filled to export to Facebook.

    Parameter: Ad Account ID


    Applicable for clients with multiple Facebook Ad accounts. This parameter allows the user to choose which ad account to send the audience to.

    Meiro Integration key: fb_ad_account_id

    It is set up by analysts and needs to be the same key as in workspace variables in Meiro Integrations.

    Name: FB Ad Account ID

    The name will be displayed for the user in the segments export parameter section.

    Required field: ticked

    This field is required to be filled to export to Facebook.

    Value from list: ticked

    Ticked makes a possible selection from the value drop-down list. Unticked disables drop-down list.

    User Input: ticked

    This field is required to be filled to export to Facebook.


    Parameter: Retention Days


    The number of days before the audience expires and is removed. It can be set up for 180 days. If left blank, the audience does not have an expiry date. It can be used when creating a new audience or updating an existing one.

    Meiro Integration key: retention_days

    It is set up by analysts and needs to be the same key as in workspace variables in Meiro Integrations.

    Name: Audience retention days (max 180)

    The name will be displayed for the user in the segments export parameter section.

    Required field: not ticked

    This field is optional to be filled to export to Facebook.

    Value from list: not ticked

    Ticked makes a possible selection from the value drop-down list. Unticked disables drop-down list.

    User Input: ticked

    This field is required to be filled to export to Facebook.

    Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 2.09.28 PM.png



    Remember: You can set up multiple audiences to export different segments with different setups. 

    Export segment to Facebook Business Manager, Facebook Ads 

    Exports tab setting

    After segmenting the audience, go to the Exports section, where you should be able to find to which destination it is currently possible to export the segment (It is possible to set more exports, but it requires the help of the Meiro team).

    Знімок екрана 2024-01-18 о 10.04.50.png


    Exportable shows how many customer profiles will be exported to your destination.

    This number is defined by the conditions you choose to segment the audience and mandatory attributes set up by the administrator (that must be present to export to your destination).

    For example, if you segment 1000 profiles, but only 10 have mandatory attributes present, only those ten will be exported to your destination.

    Mandatory attributes are visible in the Data Library/ Destinations tab.

    For Facebook Audience, those are the mentioned below:

    • Email address,
    • Phone number,
    • Advertising ID.

    Customer profiles where the above values are unknown will not be exported to Facebook Audiences.



    Audience Name (required)

    The name will be visible in Facebook Audiences as the name of exported audience.

    Audience ID (optional)

    "Audience ID" defines which audience will be updated or if new audience will be created:

    • If the Audience ID is left empty, then a new audience ID will be created.
    • If you fill in an existing Facebook Audience ID (which can be obtained from Facebook Business Manager), that audience will be updated/ overwritten (not incrementally).


    Warning: You can only update an existing Facebook audience if that audience was previously created through export from the Meiro. If an audience was created manually in Facebook Business Manager, that audience will not support the load of external data, hence it will not be possible to update that audience.

    Remember: Each export from Meiro to a preexisting Audience ID will replace the previous audience and not load incrementally. 

    Retention days (optional)

    The number of days to retain before the audience expires and is removed. You can now set this value for both new and existing audiences, allowing you to extend or modify the audience retention period as needed.

    • When creating a new audience, you can specify the desired "Retention Days" value, which can be set for up to 180 days.

    • If left blank, the audience will not have an expiration date, meaning it will remain active until manually removed.

    • For existing audiences, you can also update the "Retention Days" parameter to change the audience's retention period, ensuring it aligns with your campaign needs.

    Export the segment & Facebook environment

    Export your segment manually by clicking on the Export button or set up a schedule (optional) so your export will run at scheduled times.

    Schedule export to the same audience in Audiences/ Facebook Business Manager:

    1. Create a segment and fill in the Audience Name. This name will be visible on Facebook.


    2. Click on the Export button.
    3. Then go to Facebook Business Manager.
    4. Find your new audience created and exported in Facebook Business Manager.
    5. Copy Audience ID  from Facebook Business Manager and paste it to the Audience ID field in the parameters sections in the Meiro segment builder.
    6. Set up a schedule as needed, and all exports will be exported to the same Audience ID.



    Are any limitations of Facebook Audiences possible to load?

    Facebook only allows the creation of up to 500 Custom Audiences per ad account. Any custom audience of more than 500 will result in an export error, and old audiences must be deleted.

    What customers' data is exported to Facebook (mandatory & exported attributes)?

    Meiro exports to Facebook:

    • Email
    • Phone number 
    • Advertising ID

    Those are mandatory attributes needed in order to export to Facebook Business Manager.

    Possible to export (if known)  is also:

    • First name
    • Last name

    Exported data is set by the administrator. To see which attributes have been set to export, please go to the Data library/ Destinations tab, exported attributes

    Warning: The number of exported customer profiles will not be the same as the number of "rows" visible in exports on Facebook. It is because rows are not customer profiles but identifiers. 

    How long does it take to export? 

    Export happens in real-time, and usually, it is a matter of minutes.

    Will multiple exports overwrite existing ones or load as new ones? 

    Multiple exports with the same name will appear as new custom audiences (separate) with the same name on Facebook.

    Warning: There is no limit on API calls. If you experience any trouble, please contact the Meiro team.

    Match rate

    Facebook shows a match rate for audiences of more than 1000. If you export an audience of fewer than 1000, or if out of your audience, fewer than 1000 are matched, then the audience size will show up as “Below 1,000 - Small after matching”. However, your custom audience can still be activated if the availability is Ready.

    facebook doc.png

    How do I delete custom audiences on Facebook?

    Detailed steps can be found on the Facebook website.

    What is the difference between FB custom and anonymous audience?

    FB Custom Audience allows you to define an audience based on criteria such as CDP, but the audience can be identified through their name, email, or phone number.


    FB Anonymous Custom Audience is defined but not identified, meaning that the audience does not have a name, email, or phone number. Instead, we retarget them based on their FB client ID.


    Read more on their difference in this article.