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Build your segment: customers who left the shopping cart without a purchase

It’s common to have customers leave items in the cart and leave before making a purchase. It is also common for businesses to find out who these customers are to nudge them to make a purchase. 

  1. Select customers who have basket details 'known'.
  2. Select customers who have a number of visits on the product views in last 90 days greater than 0. This is to segment customers who are actively browsing your web pages.
  3. Select customers who have not purchased any product by using the 'purchased quantity' attribute equal to 0.
  4. We are selecting the ‘AND’ operator. 
  5. Save the segment and see the segmentation summary.
  6. Export customer data to the chosen destination, look at individual profiles, or check insights.

Знімок екрана 2023-01-05 о 11.21.59.png

See other tutorials:

Customers who have high email engagement in a particular country

Engaged customers who prefer browsing on a mobile device

Website visitors who are non-customers