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Loader MsSQL

MsSQL loader exports data to Microsoft SQL Serverserver Database.database.


When connecting to an Azure database and using an SSH tunnel, the username must be in the format <username>@<databasename> instead of just <username> otherwise, it will throw errors.

Data In

Upload all files in /data/in/files.

Data Out


Learn more: about the folder structure here.



Host (required) Name of server that hosts the database.
Port (required) The port number you want to access. 
Database (required) Name of the database.

Username (required)

Account name.
Password (required) Account password.



Enabled (optional) If you want to SSH to be enabled.
Private (optional) Private key. 
Public (optional) Public key.
SSH Host (optional) Name of SSH Host.
SSH User (optional) Username of SSH Host. 



Input Table (required)

The name of the input table you want to load the database. 
DB Table Name (required) The name of the table that will be created in the database. 
Export (optional) If you want the database to be exported.
Incremental (optional) Signifies if you want to load the data by overwriting whatever is in database or incrementally.
Column (required) Name of the column in input table you want to load to the database.


Column Name (required) Name of the column.
DB Column Name (required) Name of the column in the database.

Data Type (required)

The data type you want to use.

Size (optional)

The maximum number of digits used by the data type of the column or parameter.

Nullable (optional)

If you want the value to be nullable.
Default Value (optional) The default value you want it to be.