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Loader Google DV360 Customer Match Audience

This loader is used for importing contacts to Google Display & Video 360 Customer Match Audience.

Data In/Data Out

Data In

Loader requires contacts.csv file in directory /data/in/tables/contacts.csv.


The CSV file contacts.csv must include a header with the following fields:

  • Emails
  • PhoneNumbers
  • ZipCodes
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • CountryCode

Either all or none of FirstName, LastName, CountryCode, and ZipCodes have to exist. They cannot partially exist.

All phone numbers must be formatted using the E.164 format and include the country calling code.

The Emails, PhoneNumbers, and ZipCodes must be dumped as JSON lists.

with open('contacts.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    contacts_writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    contacts_writer.writerow(['Emails', 'PhoneNumbers', 'ZipCodes', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'CountryCode'])
    contacts_writer.writerow([json.dumps(["test1@meiro.io", "test2@meiro.io"]), json.dumps([])])

Example of CSV file:

"[""test1@meiro.io"", ""test2@meiro.io""]",[],,,,

Data Out


Learn more: about folder structure in configuration here.


 Advertiser ID (required)

The ID of the advertiser under whom the FirstAndThirdPartyAudience will be created.

Audience Parameters

(at least one Audience ID or Name is required):

Audience name


The display name of the first and third-party audience.

Audience ID 


The ID of the Customer Match FirstAndThirdPartyAudience whose members will be edited.

Retention in days


The duration of days that an entry remains in the audience after the qualifying event. If the audience has no expiration, set the value of this field to 10000. Otherwise, the set value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 540. Only applicable to first-party audiences.

Service Account Key File

Follow the documentation to set up a service account and then input the relevant values from the service account file into the configuration.