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Loader Genesys

This component allows importing and deleting contacts to Genesys Contacts lists. 

Data In/ Data Out 

Data In

The loader requires CSV input file to be specified in configuration and to be placed in /data/in/tables directory. Content of a CSV file depends on the method chosen. 

Data Out


Learn more: about the folder structure here. 


Methods allow you to import, delete, or clear contacts in Genesys. There is a list of available methods and examples of CSV files for each method described in the section below.

Upload contacts

This method allows uploading contacts to Genesys from a CSV file. An example of a CSV file:

id first_name phone_number callable
42 john +420777888777 1
84 jane +420777888777 0
  • id- when id is present in the CSV file. The name of a column must be explicitly defined in the configuration id_column. When id is defined - component is using id for upsert;
  • callable - when callable is present in the CSV file. The name of a column must be explicitly defined in the configuration callable_column;
  • rest of the columns have to match to columns defined in Genesys Contact List.
Delete contacts

This method allows deleting contacts from the Contact list by Contact ID. An example of a CSV file:




  • only id is required in an input CSV file. The name of id must be specified in the configuration.

Clear contacts list

This method allows truncating all contacts from the defined Contact list ID.




Location of a Client (or name of the region (e.g. Korea, Austria, etc.))

Client ID 


If contact_list_id is set, the contacts are pushed to the contact list with this ID. Otherwise, a new contact list is created.

Contact ID, which is under Contact List ID, determines which column from contact is used as ID.

Client Secret (required) 

Password to client’s ID.

Upload contacts

Fiile name


The name of the file must be specified (eg. upload_contacts.csv).

ID column


Name of the column in the CSV file which holds IDs of contacts. If specified - contacts with known ID will be updated. Column name must be also present in columns_names.

Callable column


Optional information if contact is callable or not (0 - not callable, 1 - callable). The default is 1. Column name must be also present in columns_names.

Contact list ID or Contact list name

(at least one is required)

  • if contact_list_id is specified - contacts are uploaded to the existing Contact List;

  • if contact_list_name is specified - a new Contact List with the defined name is created. Contacts are uploaded to the newly created Contact List ID.

Clear contact list before upload


If clear_contact_list_before_upload is enabled then all contacts are truncated from Contact List ID before contact upload.

Column names


Columns in CSV file which correspond to columns in Genesys Contact List.

Phone columns


The column is required only when a new contact list is created (when constact_list_name is specified). Column name must be also present in column_names. type specifying the type of phone number - home, cell.

Delete contacts

File Name


The name of the file must be specified (eg. delete_contacts.csv).

ID column


Name of the column in the CSV file which holds the IDs of contacts.

Contact list ID


The ID of the contact list where given contacts should be deleted.

Clear contact list

Contact list ID


The ID of the contact list where all contacts will be deleted.