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Connector Twitter

This connector enables you to extract tweets data from a user’s Twitter account. 

Data In/Data Out

Data In


Data Out

Returns multiple tables, related to the Twitter user account in out/tables/.


list of tweets made by the user


list of hashtags made by user


list of photo/video media posted in user’s tweets


list of mentions made by user 



Learn more: Data dictionary of all output objects can be referenced here.



Connector Twitter.png

Timeline Screen Name (required)

The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with. Screen names are unique but subject to change.


meiro twitter.png


Screen name can be obtained by visiting the user’s Twitter page.

For example, the screen name for this account is Meiro_io.


Consumer Key (required)

The unique API Key linked to your Twitter developer’s account. It is obtained together with the Consumer Secret.

Learn more: about how to obtain the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, please refer to this article

Consumer Secret (required)

The unique API Key Secret linked to your Twitter developer’s account. It is obtained together with the Consumer Key.