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Connector Snowflake

The Snowflake connector enables the loading of tables from the Snowflake database to Meiro Integrations. 

Learn more: about the Snowflake connector from here.

Data In/Data Out

Data In


Data Out

Loaded tables will be visible in out/tables.


Remember: Snowflake is able to handle very large data. Usually, when you have such large datasets, you do not store them in 1 file, Because files have a size limit and it is hard working with 1 file compared with hundreds of small files (eg. better for parallelization of calculations). Hence, each query is output into a folder as a set of csv.gz files. If you want to work with a single CSV, you can use bash to cat it together, then gunzip. 



 Learn more: about combining gzip files here.


Learn more: about gunzip here.


Learn more: You can read more about the folder structure here.


snowflake 1.png

Fill credentials to connect to the Snowflake database:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Database
  • Schema
  • Warehouse
  • Username
  • Password


Define which table you wish to load, how will it be named and how the output will be.

snowflake 2.png

Name (required)

Name of the table.

Query (required)

A query is a request to access data from a database to manipulate it or retrieve it.

Output Table (required)

The name of the outputfolder table you want to loadwhere the query.data will be loaded into.

E.g. If the name is “employees”, then the data can be found in out/tables/employees.csv.gz. The full path including the file name would look like out/tables/employees.csv.gz/part_<N>_<N>_0.csv.gz

Enabled (optional)

Enabled for this table to be pulled from the database.