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Connector Postgres

PostgreSQL often referred to as Postgres, is an object-relational database management system.

Postgres uses and extends the SQL language combined with many features that safely store and scales the most complicated data workloads. 

The native data types that are supported include: 

Primitives Integer, Numeric, String, Boolean
Structured Date/Time, Array, Range, UUID
Document JSON/JSONB, XML, Key-value (Hstore) 
Geometry Point, Line, Circle, Polygon 
Customizations Composite, Custom Types

Learn more: about Postgres from PostgreSQL tutorials

The Postgres connector is used to connect and load data from the PostgreSQL database. 


Credentials of the database you would like to connect to:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Name of the database
  • Username
  • Password
  • SSH key details (optional, described in more detail below)

If you wish to connect to a database outside of the Meiro environment, you may need a front-end tool like PgAdmin4, Postico, DBeaver or any other front-end (GUI) tool available online. To learn more about these tools, please refer to their respective documentation online. Connecting via a GUI tool is not mandatory, but it may be useful if you want to access the database outside the Meiro environment.

Postgres components work only with CSV tables. Other data formats need to be converted to CSV format by processors.

Learn more: about PostgreSQL  documentation

Data In/Data Out

Data In N/A
Data Out Results will be saved as a CSV table in out/tables.

Learn more: about the folder structure here.




The following  credentials are mandatory:

Host (required) can be

Name numericalof (likethe orthat alphabeticalhosts (the database.client.solutions)

Port (required) usually 5432

The byport default.number you want to access. 

Username Your username.

Name of database.


Your password.

Account name. 

Database Name of

Account database.password.

You should be able to get all the credentials from the database administrator. 



To connect to certain databases (e.g. databases in the internal networks or databases behind firewalls), you may need an additional security layer and an SSH KeyAfter generating the Public and Private keys and sending the Public key to your database administrator, you can connect the database to Meiro. 

Enabled Enabled (true/false)optional)

ToChecked enableif SSH required to connect to the SSH Tunnel to work, you will need to check the option marked Enabled.database. 

Private and Public keys (required)optional)

YouPrivate will receive your public and private keys after generating them on your computer. key. 

Public (optional)

LearnPublic more : For more information, you may refer to this articlekey.

SSH hostHost (required)optional)

YouName willof getSSH theHost.

host from the database administrator.




Name (required)

Insert the nameName of the tabletable.

from the Postgres database that you wish to connect to Meiro.

Query (required)

InA orderquery is a request to extractaccess the information that you wantdata from thea database that you are connecting to, you will need to writemanipulate SQL queries.

Learn more: about SQL syntax, you can check W3 School SQL tutorialit or otherretrieve tutorials available online.

For example, if you want to fetch all  the results from the attributes table, use SELECT * FROM attributes.it.

Output Table (required)

InsertThe name of the nameoutput fortable you want to load the tablequery. 

that will be visible in the Data Out.

Enabled (true/false)

ToEnabled enablefor this table to be pulled from the querydatabase.

to run, you will need to check the option marked enabled.