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Connector Facebook Pixel

This component extracts ads pixel stats data from Facebook Graph API. 

Learn more: about the endpoint documentation herehere.

Data In/ Data Out

Data In


Data Out

Output files are in NDJSON format where each line contains data based on passed configuration parameters. Name of each file constructed as fb_ads_pixel_id_aggregation_starttime_endtime.ndjson, output directory is data/out/files.

Learn more: about the folder structure herehere..


Fb_ads_pixel_id (required)

The ID of the pixel is implemented in the data source.

Queries (required)

Must have at least 1 query.

Aggregation (required)

The list of values is based on Facebook documentation and might need to be changed in the future if there will be changes in the GraphAPI endpoint.

“Event” would be the default aggregation. 

Start_time (required)

Start_time should not be earlier than 30 days ago.

End_time (required)

End_time should not be later today (current day).

Event_source (optional)

Used for filtering data from API. The list of values is based on Facebook documentation and might need to be changed in the future if there will be changes in the GraphAPI endpoint.

Event (optional)

Used for filtering data from API. Depends on the implementation of the pixel tracker.