Connector AppsFlyer
AppsFlyer is a mobile attribution and marketing analytics platform. AppsFlyer uses tracking links to track many elements relevant to the users' clicks and impressions of mobile ads. When a user clicks on an AppsFlyer tracking link, the URL is saved in AppsFlyer's databases, and the user is redirected to download the app. Supported parameters in the link get parsed and are available via AppsFlyer's raw data reports for advanced analysis.
This connector is based on Pull API
To learn more about Apsflyer, please refer to the Appsflyer official documentation.
To connect Appsflyer with Meiro you would need credentials:
API Token,
App: ID, description
Report: type, category, name.
It is possible to choose the timeframe for the data that will be connected from the Appsflyer, download more than 1 report and for more than 1 app in one configuration
Data In/Data Out
Data In
Data Out
Your results will be saved as a CSV table in the Data Out bucket out/tables
You can read more about the folder structure here.
APP ID (required)
The App ID is the ID of the application that you are downloading the data to. You can get it from your account. It might look like id123456789
(for iOS) or com.example.myapp
(for Android).
APP Description (required)
Name of the application that you can extract from your account or define yourself. A good practice is to use a description like “My App iOS” or “My App Android”.
Type (required)
It is a human-readable name of the report, for example, In-App Events Report
Category (required)
Raw data report or performance report.
Name (required)
Check Appsflyer documentation to find the correct name for performance or raw data report (go to Link Example column).
As this field is used to construct the request to AppsFlyer Pull API, it is important to fill it correctly.
Available reports:
Performance reports: Partners Daily Report, Daily Report
Raw Data reports: Installs Report, In-App Events Report, Uninstalls Report, Organic Installations Report, Organic In-App Events Report.
Find more about different types of reports here
Type: Partners Daily Report
Category: Performance Reports
Name: partners_by_date_report
API Token (required)
API token it is the user's external API Authorization Key for Pull API. You can get it from your account if you are the owner of Appsflyer account or ask for it from the owner.
Since/ Until (required)
Report start date in the format of "yyyy-mm-dd" or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm". For example 2010-01-01’ or ‘2010-01-01%2000%3A15
. (The hours' parameter is for raw reports only).
You can use natural language as well, like today, yesterday, Friday, -5 days, 20 days, this month, last month, last year
Important is to note that raw data reports are not aggregated and are downloading all possible events in a requested period of time This might mean a huge amount of data.
To limit the amount of requested data, `until` parameter for raw data reports is calculated as `since` + 1 day and it doesn’t depend on user input.