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Events: list of events

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Types of events tracked by default

Additional types of events possible to track

Event enrichment

Events are collected behaviors of a customer.

Different types of information can be fetched depending on the event type.

Each event contains:

  • Timestamp (time and date),
  • Payload (varies for each event type, more details below).


The timestamp is recorded in the following format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

In most cases, it shows when exactly an event happened in the browser (uses the clock set up in the browser). 

Each time the event reaches the server there is also a reception side noted on the server-side that helps to verify timestamp noted in the browser. 

Remember: By default, Meiro Events uses time recorded by the browser.  

It is because it is the most precise as information traveling to the server may have a delay ( for example due to poor internet connection or other distractions).

Remember: But in cases when Meiro Events detects a discrepancy between the time recorded by the browser versus the time recorded by the server, the time recorded by the server will be used as the most accurate. 

For example, it can happen that a user does not have time set up correctly on his device. In those cases, the time noted by the server is perceived as the most correct one. 

Timestamp from the browser is translated to UTC timezone and to the local timezone on the server-side.


Payload varies for each type of event. This is the data that is collected for a particular event. 

For each event we know:

  • User ID,
  • Session ID

Additionally, the SDK will collect the following metrics and include them in the event payload: 

  • browser inner width

  • browser inner height

  • screen color depth

  • cookie support

  • client IDs for Facebook and Google Analytics

Types of events tracked by default

When you initialize ME SDK it starts collecting the events listed below automatically:

Page view

Initiated by a method call `​​MeiroEvents.track("pageView")`. The method also handles web banner conditions evaluation.

Data collected from this event:

  • Page title, 

  • Page URL, 

  • Referrer.

Learn more: How to set page view on the application and how to pass additional data.

  type: "page_view",  
  timestamp: "2019-05-05T18:45:41.062Z",  
  version: "1.2.0",  
  payload: {    
    page_title: "Customer Data Platform that helps you target precisely",    
    url: "https://meiro.io/",    
    referrer: "https://www.google.com/search?q=meiro",
    custom_payload: { // optional object with additional pageview custom payload
      [key: string]: any
  user_id: "unique user id",  
  session_id: "base64 session id (timestamp&user_id)",  
  external_id: "some id string", // OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTE, OCCURS WHEN CONFIGURED
  browser_metrics: {
    inner_height: 768,
    inner_width: 1280,
    color_depth: 30,
    cookies_enabled: true,
  client_ids: { // required object
    fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
    ga: null // string or null


    Initiated by method call `MeiroEvents.track("outboundLinkClick")`. If you don’t want to track these events, you can remove the method call from your SDK initialize script but you’ll also lose cross-domain tracking if you have it set.

    Data collected from this event:

    • Page title, 

    • URL, 

    • Referrer,

    • Hypertext REFerence (The HTML code used to create a link to another page).

      type: "outbound_link_click",
      timestamp: "2019-05-05T18:45:41.062Z",
      version: "1.3.0",
      payload: {
        page_title: "Contact | Meiro",
        url: "https://www.meiro.io/contact",
        referrer: "https://www.google.com/search?q=meiro",
        href: "https://www.linkedin.com/company/meirocdp/"
      user_id: "unique user id",
      session_id: "base64 session id (timestamp&user_id)",
      external_id: "some id string", // OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTE, OCCURS WHEN CONFIGURED
      browser_metrics: {
        inner_height: 768,
        inner_width: 1280,
        color_depth: 30,
        cookies_enabled: true,
      client_ids: { // required object
        fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
        ga: null // string or null
    Google CID sync


    The event is sent once per session if the `_ga` cookie is found.

    Data collected from this event:

    • Page title,

    • URL,

    • Referrer,

    • Client ID

      type: "ga_cid_sync",
      version: "1.0.0",
      payload: {
        page_title: "Customer Data Platform that helps you target precisely",
        url: "https://meiro.io/",
        referrer: "https://www.google.com/search?q=meiro",
        client_id: "google analytics client id"
      timestamp: "2020-09-08T14:58:53.110Z",
      user_id: "unique user id",
      session_id: "base64 session id (timestamp&user_id)",
      browser_metrics: {
        inner_height: 768,
        inner_width: 1280,
        color_depth: 30,
        cookies_enabled: true,
      client_ids: { // required object
        fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
        ga: null // string or null
    Facebook CID sync


    The event is sent once per session if the `_fbp` cookie is found.

    Data collected from this event:

    • Page title,

    • URL,

    • Referrer,

    • Client ID 

      type: "fb_cid_sync",
      version: "1.0.0",
      payload: {
        page_title: "Customer Data Platform that helps you target precisely",
        url: "https://meiro.io/",
        referrer: "https://www.google.com/search?q=meiro",
        client_id: "facebook client id"
      timestamp: "2020-09-08T14:58:53.110Z",
      user_id: "unique user id",
      session_id: "base64 session id (timestamp&user_id)",
      browser_metrics: {
        inner_height: 768,
        inner_width: 1280,
        color_depth: 30,
        cookies_enabled: true,
      client_ids: { // required object
        fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
        ga: null // string or null
    Web Banner Impression


    The event is sent once some web banner is shown.

    Data collected from this event:

    • Page Title

    • URL

    • Referrer

    • Banner ID

      session_id: "MTYyMjE4Njg0ODM3NCZlOWQ2NjNhZS0wY2MwLTQ0ZDQtYjVmOC1lZjFhZTZiMTU2NTE=" 
      timestamp: "2021-05-28T07:27:37.351Z" 
      type: "web_banner_impression"
      user_id: "e9d663ae-0cc0-44d4-b5f8-ef1ae6b15651" 
      version: "1.0.0" 
      payload: {   
        page_title: "Index page",   
        url: "http://cdp.meiro.d3v:8060/",   
        referrer: "",  
        banner_id: "b2b14ad1-e120-403d-b9a1-4a063d2ed8f0",
      browser_metrics: {
        inner_height: 768,
        inner_width: 1280,
        color_depth: 30,
        cookies_enabled: true,
      client_ids: { // required object
        fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
        ga: null // string or null

    Remember: When the "disable default tracking" option in the pop-up and native banner settings are turned on, the "web_banner_impression" event is not sent.

    Remember: When a native banner is displayed in multiple elements via a CSS selector, the impression event is sent only once.

    Web Banner Click


    The event is sent if a user clicks on the displayed image banner pointing to some destination URL.

    Data collected from this event:

    • Page Title

    • URL

    • Referrer

    • Banner ID

    • Destination URL

      session_id: "MTYyMjE4Njg0ODM3NCZlOWQ2NjNhZS0wY2MwLTQ0ZDQtYjVmOC1lZjFhZTZiMTU2NTE="
      timestamp: "2021-05-28T07:27:37.351Z"
      type: "web_banner_click"
      user_id: "e9d663ae-0cc0-44d4-b5f8-ef1ae6b15651"
      version: "1.0.0"
      payload: {
        page_title: "Index page",
        url: "http://cdp.meiro.d3v:8060/",
        referrer: "",
        banner_id: "b2b14ad1-e120-403d-b9a1-4a063d2ed8f0"
        destination_url: "some link url"
      browser_metrics: {
        inner_height: 768,
        inner_width: 1280,
        color_depth: 30,
        cookies_enabled: true,
      client_ids: { // required object
        fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
        ga: null // string or null

    Warning: The web_banner_click event is only triggered for image banners. HTML banners do not have default click tracking, as they may contain multiple interactive elements (buttons, links, forms, etc.), each with its own function. If click tracking is needed for an HTML banner, you must implement custom event listeners on the relevant elements.

    Additional types of events possible to track

    Custom event


    Data collected from this event type can be customised by the administrator of the website.

    The custom event can record any event possible to collect through JavaScript and JSON listeners. The list of trackable custom events can be found under this link

    Learn more: How to track custom event.

    Example of the event:

      type: "custom_event",
      timestamp: "2019-05-05T18:45:41.062Z",
      version: "1.3.0",
      payload: {
        page_title: "Contact | Meiro",
        url: "https://www.meiro.io/contact/",
        referrer: "https://www.google.com/search?q=meiro",
        [key: string]: any // additional custom event payload
      user_id: "unique user id",
      fingerprint: "fingerprint MD5 hash",
      session_id: "base64 session id (timestamp&user_id)",
      external_id: "some id string", // OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTE, OCCURS WHEN CONFIGURED
      browser_metrics: {
        inner_height: 768,
        inner_width: 1280,
        color_depth: 30,
        cookies_enabled: true,
      client_ids: { // required object
        fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
        ga: null // string or null

    Contact Form Submit


    Data collected from this event:

    • Form ID,

    • Email,

    • First Name,

    • Last Name,

    • Phone Number,

    • National ID,

    • Gender,

    • Birthdate,

    • Whatsapp,

    • Instagram, 

    • Facebook, 

    • LinkedIn, 

    • Internal User ID, 

    • Field00, Field30 are optional customizable values that can hold a scalar value or an array of scalar values (null, string, number or bool).

    Learn more: How to track contact form on the website.

      type: "contact_form_submit",
      timestamp: "2019-05-05T18:45:41.062Z",
      version: "1.1.0",
      payload: {
        page_title: "Contact | Meiro", // required
        url: "https://www.meiro.io/contact/", // required
        referrer: "https://www.google.com/search?q=meiro", // required
        form_id: "registerForm (required, string)", // required
        email: "john@doe.com (optional, string)",
        first_name: "John (optional, string)",
        last_name: "Doe (optional, string)",
        phone_number: "+420439847320 (optional, string)",
        national_id: "CZE (optional, string)",
        gender: "male (optional, string)",
        birthdate: "10-10-1992 (optional, string)",
        whatsapp: "@hodlmao (optional, string)",
        instagram: "maleshe (optional, string)",
        facebook: "JohnDoe10023 (optional, string)",
        linkedin: "JohnDoeB (optional, string)",
        internal_user_id: "439FID43 (optional, string)",
        external_id: "43FSOSOIRTEOI43 (optional, string)",
        field00: "optional scalar value (null, string, number, bool) or array of scalar values"
        field30: "optional scalar value (null, string, number, bool) or array of scalar values"
      user_id: "unique user id",
      fingerprint: "fingerprint MD5 hash",
      session_id: "base64 session id (timestamp&user_id)",
      external_id: "some id string", // OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTE, OCCURS WHEN CONFIGURED
      browser_metrics: {
        inner_height: 768,
        inner_width: 1280,
        color_depth: 30,
        cookies_enabled: true,
      client_ids: { // required object
        fb: "1235.3232", // string or null
        ga: null // string or null

    Event enrichment

    All the events sent by SDK may be enriched by additional data on the ME backend server:

    Event type



    JSON object formatted as “cookie name”: “cookie value”



    Geolocation information containing city, country ISO, country name, latitude, longitude and postal code.


    JSON object containing request headers in the format “header name”: “header value”

    Referer parts


    Referrer information containing its name (referer), medium, search parameter or search term

    URL parts


    Parsed URL into handy format containing host, path, query, query parsed object and scheme

    Referer URL


    Parsed referer URL into handy format containing host, path, query, query parsed object and scheme

    User agent


    Parsed User-Agent header containing attributes: browser family, browser version, device family, device version, is bot, is mobile, is tablet, is touch capable, OS family and OS version.

    Page view event example enriched by the ME backend
       "cookies": {
           "_ga": "GA1.2.1111111111.1111111111",
           "meiro_user_id": "fps9pfs7-5a25-4782-a8ea-f78a1ca24e79",
       "geo_ip_data": {
           "city_name": "Senica",
           "country_iso": "SK",
           "country_name": "Slovakia",
           "latitude": 48.7498,
           "longitude": 19.1895,
           "postal_code": "974 01"
       "headers": {
           "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
           "Accept-Language": "en-GB,en;q=0.9",
           "Content-Length": "349",
           "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
           "Origin": "https://www.meiro.io",
           "Referer": "https://www.meiro.io/",
           "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/107.0.5304.66 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
           "X-Forwarded-For": "",
           "X-Forwarded-Host": "events.meiro.io",
           "X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
           "X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
           "X-Forwarded-Server": "7422e9d33ade",
           "X-Real-Ip": ""
       "method": "POST",
       "payload": {
           "page_title": "Become a Part of Meiro Team - Meiro",
           "referrer": "https://www.google.com/",
           "url": "https://www.meiro.io/career/"
       "referer_parts": {
           "known": true,
           "medium": "search",
           "referer": "Google",
           "search_parameter": null,
           "search_term": null
      "referer_url_parts": {
           "host": "www.google.com",
           "path": "/",
           "query": "",
           "query_parsed": {},
           "scheme": "https"
       "session_id": "MTY2Nzk4MjU1ODQ3NyZlODU2ZBA5ZC01YTI2LTQ5ODItYThlYS1mNzhhMWNhMjRlNzk=",
       "timestamp": "2022-11-09T08:32:18.478Z",
       "type": "page_view",
       "url_parts": {
           "host": "www.meiro.io",
           "path": "/career/",
           "query": "",
           "query_parsed": {},
           "scheme": "https"
       "user_agent": {
           "browser_family": "Chrome Mobile iOS",
           "browser_version": [
           "device_family": "iPhone",
           "device_version": "Apple",
           "is_bot": false,
           "is_mobile": true,
           "is_pc": false,
           "is_tablet": false,
           "is_touch_capable": true,
           "os_family": "iOS",
           "os_version": [
       "user_id": "fps9pfs7-5a25-4782-a8ea-f78a1ca24e79",
       "version": "1.2.0"