How to track custom events from the website
What can be customized
Data collected from this event type can be customised by the administrator of the website.
The Custom Event can record any event possible to collect through JavaScript and JSON listeners. The list of trackable custom events can be found under this link.
MeiroEvents.track("customEvent", { "action": "button_click", item: "#my-button"});
Tracking custom events (for example transactions, usernames for logins, etc.) can be done using the custom call to the SDK function as follows
MeiroEvents.track("customEvent", {"action": "login", username: "user"});
The second part ({"action": "login", "username": "user A"}) is customizable.
- The user played the video
- The user opened schedule demo popup,
MeiroEvents.track{“action”: “schedule_demo_open”, title: “User opened schedule demo form”}
For more details please contact the Meiro team.