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Tab: User Settings

Знімок екрана 2023-03-15 о 10.44.32.png

When you click on the user logo, a dropdown window will appear displaying the following options:

  • Role - displays the user's assigned role
  • User settings - displays information about the user account and allows users to edit their account details
  • Logs - primarily intended for administrators, access to logs is managed through roles/permissions
  • Logout - provides the option to log out of Meiro Business Explorer
  • Location - displays the server's location where the instance is deployed 
  • Current version - shows the current version of Meiro Business Explorer

User Settings tab


The User Settings tab provides access to important user account information, such as name, email, role, and granted permissions.

It is possible to edit the user's name, email, and password. Besides, the administrator can mark a user as a 'system user' so that the user will not be displayed in the statistics in the User activity tab.

Additionally, users can enable or disable email notifications using the toggle switch.