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Tab: Data library

Learn from this article about:

Attributes tab

Events tab

Sources tab

Destinations tab

Attributes tab

The Attributes tab shows:

  • Name of attributes and their ID,
  • Descriptions of all available attributes,
  • Their data source(s),
  • Labels assigned to attributes.attributes,
  • Descriptions of all available attributes,
  • Examples of a particular attribute.

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Events tab

The Events tab shows:

  • Name of events,
  • Events data sources
  • Examples of events.

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Sources tab

Under the connected sources section in the Sources tab, you can find information about the data sources that are currently connected. This includes the following:

  • The name of the source and description, 
  • The date added. 

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Destinations tab

Under the connected destinations section in the Destinations tab, you can find information about destinations that are currently possible to export to. This includes the following:

  • Destinations names and descriptions,
  • Exported attributes (attributes that will be exported to your chosen destination),
  • Mandatory attributes (attributes that must be present in order to export to the destination)
  • Last export date. 

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Learn more: Understand the bigger picture of your data