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Tab: Personalization

Personalization/ Web Banners tab enables creating and setting rules to display web banners on the website. 

The web banners feature allows you to create popup banners and display them to the users of your website.

Prerequisites to work with web banners are:

  • The Meiro Events SDK is enabled on the website and the Meiro Events instance is connected to Meiro Business Explorer.
  • The feature is enabled in Meiro Business Explorer by your administrator.

Both are usually set by the Meiro team. 


To display web banners on the web site, it is possible to set up conditions under which the banners are displayed. Currently these are conditions which can be evaluated locally in the user’s browser—e.g. the specific page the user is on, the time of day, or the content of cookies.



Conditions are optional rules defined for whom, when a web banner will be displayed.


Browser language (all languages form a drop down list): equals/ doesn’t equal/ equals any of/ doesn’t equal any of.


Browser(Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera, other): equals/ doesn’t equal/ equals. 


Cookie: cookie name, date type (boolean, datetime, number, string) and/ or operator (is set/ is not set and operators relevant for data type). 

Date type can be taken from SDK javascript date constructor e.g. new Date(whatever_is_the_cookie_value).


Datetime (yyyy-mm-dd, hh:mm): since, until, since-until.


Day of the week (Monday - Sunday), equals/ doesn’t equal/ equals. 


Device: (console, desktop, embedded, mobile, smart tv, tablet, wearable); equals/ doesn’t equal/ equals. 


Google Tag Manager: name of GTM DL object, GTM DL key, datatype (boolean, datetime, number, string), operator (is set/ is not set).


Hostname: equals/ don’t equal/ equals 


Hour of the day (from 0-23): equal/ doesn’t equal, until, since, since-until.


HTTP request: to URL template that returns OK (insert values from cookie or local storage, cookie: {{cookie:some_cookie_name}}, storage: {{ls:some_storage_key}}


Local storage: local storage key, data type (boolean, string, number, datetime), operator (is set/ is not set). Date type can be taken from SDK javascript date constructor e.g. new Date(whatever_is_the_cookie_value).


Operating system (Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, others): equals/ doesn’t equal/ equals.  


Page title: is set, is not set, equals/ doesn’t equal/ equals any of / doesn’t equal any of, contain/ doesn’t contain.


Pathname, Referrer, URL, UTM campaign, UTM medium, UTM source : is set, is not set, equals/ doesn’t equal/ equals any of / doesn’t equal any of, contain/ doesn’t contain.


Remember: strings are  converted to lowercase. 

Enter datetime in your local timezone. It will be automatically converted to the customer's timezone. 


Position (required)

Defines where a web banner will be positioned on the website page: top left, top right, middle, bottom left, bottom right. 

Frequency cap (required)

Define how many times per 24 hours, per user web banner will be displayed. Can not be 0.


Coming soon:

  • frequency cap per user for choosen hour/ day/ session,
  • frequency cap per user in total,
  • frequency cap per web banner in total to all users. 

Priority (required)

It is a number that defines priority for a display of a web banner (from 0-10, where 10 is with the highest priority). 

Higher priority web banners will be displayed first, 

If 2 web banners have the same conditions, same priority, both did not reach frequency cap, then the one with a lower number of impressions will be shown first (if the number of impressions is the same, then the choice is random).

HTML/ Image


Insert html for a web banner or URL to the image that will be shown as a web banner.



Image URL: URL of an image that will be displayed (remember web banner add automatically close button.

Destination URL: that customer will be directed to when clicking on the web banner image.

Size of the web banner in this case will be as image size, but maximum ½ of a website.



It is possible to insert customer html, with height, width e.g. it is possible to set Mailchimp html, or custom html (for which custom Meiro Event event needs to be set). 


Remember: the web banner will include a close button (x in the top right corner). It is visible on the preview of the web banner.