Tab: Personalization/ Promo codes
The Promo codes tab enables to insert CSV files with promo codes that can be used further e.g. in web banners.
The Promo codes tab contains:
ID | ID of the promo code list that can be referred to further. |
Name | The name of the promo code list inserted. |
Available promo codes | Number of available promo codes. |
Created by | User who created promo code list. |
Date added | Date when promo code list was added. |
Date modified | Date when promo code list was modified |
Create list form:
Name | The name of the promo code list. |
Add promo codes |
Insert the CSV file. The file should contain only 1 column with codes listed. Remember: It is possible to upload more codes, you just need to insert the CSV file that has the same name to the same list. During the update the same codes will be ignored, the rest will be loaded incrementally. Warning: most of the programs format CSV correctly, but some may need manual input e.g. Numbers. When formatting manually it is important to insert values into double quotes "" e.g.
Learn more: how to set promo codes in web banners.