System events for Emails
Once you have successfully configured the Email channel, system events will automatically populate in the CDP under the Meiro Emails source. This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of these system events along with their structures and examples.
Campaign Email Sent
This event is triggered when an email campaign is activated and an email is sent to a customer.
Event Type:
Retention: No retention, but customizable
Event Structure:
activation_id: unique_activation_id, // required number
campaign: { // required object
id: "uuid", // required string
name: "Campaign Name", //required string
email: "", // required
message_id: "uuid", // required string
subject: "Email subject", // required string
utm_parameters: { // optional object
campaign: "value", // optional string
content: "value", // optional string
medium: "value", // optional string
source: "value", // optional string
term: "value" // optional string
customer_attributes: {
// Additional customer attributes here
Event example:
"activation_id": 2,
"campaign": {
"id": "283be389-f280-4b06-9b33-3efbb207d468",
"name": "Welcome Campaign"
"customer_attributes": {
"mx_first_name_last": "Navrotska"
"email": "",
"message_id": "d35a7c51-7f08-47ad-8ea5-7967139ca2ad",
"subject": "Welcome to Meiro",
"utm_parameters": {
"campaign": "welcome_campaign",
"content": "email_newsletter",
"medium": "",
"source": "",
"term": ""
Email Address Block Imported
This event occurs when analysts import a blocklist of email addresses from an external mailing tool. This event can be imported with the Meiro Integration “upload to CDP” loader. Learn more about the process in this article.
Event Type:
Retention: Not applicable (not changeable)
Event Structure:
email: "", // required
reason: "some reason", // optional string
// possible additional payload data
Event Example:
"email": "",
"reason": "Spam complaints received"
Email Address Blocked
This event occurs when an email address is blocked within the CDP, either manually or through automated processes (e.g., via block or bounce webhook).
Event Type:
Retention: Not applicable (not changeable)
Autoload: enabled
Event Structure:
email: "", // required
message_id: "uuid", // optional string
reason: "some reason", // optional string
blocked_by: "CDP user name (userId) | hard_bounce_webhook | block_webhook" // required string
subject: "Email subject", // optional string
type: "email_address_blocked"
Event Example:
"email": "",
"message_id": "5e2ad54e-3e8b-44f0-abf3-696eece395fd",
"reason": "",
"blocked_by": "block_webhook"
"subject": "Subscribe to our newsletter!",
"type": "email_address_blocked"
Email Address Unblocked
This event occurs when an email address is unblocked within the CDP.
Event Type:
Retention: Not applicable (not changeable)
Event Structure:
email: "", // required
reason: "some reason" // optional string
unblocked_by: "CDP user name (userId) | hard bounce" // required string
Event Example:
"email": "",
"reason": "Customer requested unblock",
"unblocked_by": "Administrator (User ID: 1)"
Email Bounced
This event occurs when an email fails to be delivered to the recipient's inbox.
Event Type:
Retention: Not applicable (not changeable)
Autoload: enabled
Event Structure:
email: "", // required
code: { // optional block
basic: "string",
enhanced: "string"
reason: "Temporary system problem. Try again later.", // required string
bounce_type: "hard/soft" //required
message_id: "uuid", // required string
subject: "Email subject", // optional string
type: "email_bounced"
// possible additional payload data (campaign name, id, subject...)
Event Example:
"email": "",
"code": {
"basic": "550",
"enhanced": "5.1.1"
"reason": "Recipient mailbox is full",
"bounce_type": "hard",
"message_id": "602e0a38-7d90-4222-9aae-543f00154a0a",
"subject": "Your Weekly Newsletter",
"type": "email_bounced"
Email Click
This event is triggered when a customer clicks on a link within an email.
Event Type:
Retention: Not applicable (not changeable)
Autoload: enabled
Event Structure:
campaign: { // required object
id: "uuid", // required string
name: "Email campaign name", // required string
message_id: "uuid", required string,
redirect_url: "required string",
subject: "Subject", // required string
email: "", // required email address, validation via regex
type: "email_link_click"
Event Example:
"campaign": {
"id": "d46d229e-93a2-4d55-a542-e5c4ac5ef8a9",
"name": "Summer Discounts"
"message_id": "b372e8c7-09f4-4a1b-89ca-518ac3b9e1e3",
"redirect_url": "",
"subject": "Get your favourite camera 20% cheaper!",
"email": "",
"type": "email_link_click"