Setup guide: export to SmartEmailing Trigger
The setup guide is for setting up Meiro Business Explorer, usually, it is done by the Meiro team.
Prerequisite SmartEmailing Trigger destination needs to be set within the Setup tab/ Destination tab.
The prerequisite is that the export destination needs to be first created by the Meiro team and within the Meiro Integrations.
Learn more: about how to set SmartEmailing Trigger destination in Meiro Integrations. |
Set up
The destination can be set in the Meiro Business Explorer in the Setup tab/ Destinations.
Destination ID (required, not editable) |
"The Destination ID" is a numeric value that analysts will refer to within the Meiro Integrations environment. After you choose the ID, it will not be possible to change it later on. Find the right workspace in Meiro Integrations, with the CDP component responsible for the data load:
Check Destination ID in Meiro Integrations:
Insert Destination ID in the Meiro Business Explorer.
Name (required) |
The name will be visible across the Meiro Business Explorer for the users (Data tab/ Source & Destination tab, segment detail) |
Description (optional) |
It is possible to add a description to the destination. The description will be displayed for use in the Data tab/ Sources & Destination tab. |
Icon (required) |
The icon will be visible across the Meiro Business Explorer for the users (insights, Data tab/ Attributes, Sources & Destinations, segments, customer profiles). |
Exported & Mandatory attributes (required) |
"Exported attributes" - values of exported attributes will be sent to the dedicated Meiro Integrations workspace, then to the destination. "Mandatory attributes" all customers in the export must have those attributes' values known. For this destination, both "exported attribute" and "mandatory attribute" are: Exported Attributes: Email is required. Other attributes are optional, depending on the use case (e.g. Name, Phone, Product Recommendations). Mandatory Attributes: Email |
Meiro Integrations (required) |
"MI workspace" refers to the workspace in Meiro Integration which will be executed when the segment is exported. To run exports you need to know the name of the workspace. You should get the name of the respective workspace from the Meiro data analyst. Meiro data analyst takes care of the Meiro Integration's workspace preparation, and data transformation for a specific destination (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics). Each destination requires a different (very specific) data structure. |
Parameter: SmartEmailing Trigger (required) |
Meiro Integration key: trigger It is set up by analysts and needs to be the same key as in workspace variables in Meiro Integrations. Name: trigger name The name will be displayed for the user in the segments export parameter section. Required field: ticked This field is required to be filled in order to export to SmartEmailing Trigger. Value from list: unticked Ticked makes a possible selection from the value drop-down list. Unticked disables drop-down list. User Input: ticked This trigger name must be filled in by the business user in order to export to SmartEmailing Trigger. |