Mandatory and exported attributes
Mandatory and exported attributes need to be set for exporting data. Attributes are listed in the Data tab/ Sources and Destinations tab and can be managed in the Setup tab/ Destinations tab. For each export, settings will be different and it is the responsibility of the implementation team to set it export up correctly.
Exported attributes (required)Required)
Attributes that will be exported to your destinations. It is a required field as without defining exported attributes/ exported data your export will be empty.
Mandatory attributes (optional)Optional)
Attributes that must be present in order to export to the destination. This is an optional field that can be defined if it is needed to export particular data only. For example, only customers that we know the email address.
Remember: It is important to note that in this case, the number of exported customers may vary from the number of segmented customers. Only customers that have defined mandatory attributes present will be exported.
For example, below the number of exported customers is 120, while segmented 121. This means that out of 121 segmented customers, 120 have a mandatory attribute (that has been set by an administrator) present.
"To export out of available for the destination box" shows "120 out of 890". This means that 890 customers in total have mandatory attributes present and out of this number exported will be 120 customers.
Remember: To check which mandatory attributes have been defined, please go to the Data tab/ Sources & Destinations tab.