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Reporting dashboard example: Twitter page analytics


TheIt shows the total number of followers. 

Filterable by start date and end date,date. theThe default filter is 30 days. When choosing a time periodChoose week or month thenand trendcompare: comparesset week with the weekprevious beforeone, thator andset month with the monthprevious before that.one

Tweets' count

TheIt shows the total number of Tweets. 

Filterable by start date and end date,date. theThe default filter is 30 days. When choosing a time periodChoose week or month thenand trendcompare: comparesset week with the weekprevious beforeone, thator andset month with the monthprevious before that.one.

Tweets' likes

TheIt shows the total number of Tweets' likes.

Filterable by start date and end date,date. theThe default filter is 30 days. When choosing a time periodChoose week or month thenand trendcompare: comparesset week with the weekprevious beforeone, thator andset month with the monthprevious before that.one.


TheIt shows the total number of reTweets. 

Filterable by start date and end date,date. theThe default filter is 30 days. When choosing a time periodChoose week or month thenand trendcompare: comparesset week with the weekprevious beforeone, thator andset month with the monthprevious before that.one.

Tweets in time

TheIt shows the bar chart of the number of Tweets by time. 

Filterable by start date and end date,date. theThe default filter is 30 days.