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Reporting dashboard example: mailing

Running Campaigns

Number of running campaigns.

Filterable by start date and end date. When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

Sent Emails

Number of sent emails. Filterable by start date and end date.

When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

Delivered Emails

Number of delivered emails.

Filterable by start date and end date. When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

Opened Emails

Number of opened emails.

Filterable by start date and end date.When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

Average Open Rate

Percentage of opened emails. Calculated as the number of opened emails divided by the number of delivered emails.

Filterable by start date and end date. When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

Email Clicks

Number of email clicks.

Filterable by start date and end date.When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

% Subscribers's ClicksPercentage of email clicks done by subscribers. Calculated as emails opened by subscribers divided by opened emails.

Filterable by start date and end date. When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

Running Campaigns Per Type

A number of running campaigns per time.

Filterable by start date and end date.

Campaigns With Highest CTR

Campaigns sorted by click clickthrough rate (CTR). CTR is computed as a number of opened emails divided by number of delivered emails.

Filterable by start date and end date.

Email Funnel

Funnel for ad performance from send to click.  Filterable by start date and end date.

Statistics per Campaign

Number of subscribers. Filterable by start date and end date. When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.


New Subscribers

Number of new subscribers. Filterable by start date and end date. When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.


New Unsubscribers

Number of unsubscribes.Filterable by start date and end date.When choosing a time period as week or month, then the trend compares week with the week before the chosen period, month with the month before the chosen period.

Subscriptions Changes

Number of subscribers and unsubscribers plotted by time. Filterable by start date and  end date.