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Introduction to Meiro Business Explorer

Introduction to Meiro Business Explorer

What is Meiro Business Explorer?

Meiro Business Explorer helps to analyse and understand behaviours (events)events) and characteristics (attributes)attributes) of your customer which can be gathered from available available data sources.sources.

Meiro Business Explorer is a platform that enables you to: 


What is a data source?

A data source  can be any tool that collects customer data (online shop, marketing tool etc.).

A list of all identified data sources can be found under under the Data tab,tab, Sources and Destination tab.

What is an attribute?

Attributes  are characteristics of a customer that help to build a more holistic picture of a customer (information about personal data, revenue spent and opened campaigns etc).

A list of all attributes can be found under under the Data tab  and Attributes tab. 

What is an event?

Events  are behaviours of a customer. It shows information about the actions that a customer has performed and when they performed them. 

A list of all events can be found under under the Data tab  and Attributes tab (coming soon).tab.


Chromium: version 58 or newer

Google Chrome: version 58 or newer

Microsoft Edge: version 16 or newer

Mozilla Firefox: version 54 or newer

Safari: version 10.1 or newer


Where to start
Glossary: what is what in Meiro Business Explorer
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