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Events setup

Entities setup is usually done by the CDP technical consultant.

In the Administration/Entities/Events tab, it is possible to create, edit, show/ hide events that will be used through Meiro Business Explorer (the basis for identity stitching and attribute calculation, displayed for each customer in the Customer Profile Detail tab/ Timeline). In this tab, you can also find system events that are automatically generated after configuring the channels. These system events are distinguished by a specific system tag, and they cannot be hidden.

A full list of events will be visible to users in the Data Library/ Events tab.

Learn from this article:

Create event

Edit/ show-hide event

See an event example

1. Create event

To create an event, please click on the Create Event button and fill out the form that will be displayed.

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Event Name

Name your event that will be displayed across Meiro Business Explorer. It is possible to edit the name later on. 

Source (not editable later)

Pick the data source from which this event comes from.

Event Type (not editable later)

Insert an event type (for example, web_pageview, web_transactions, etc.).

Event Version (not editable later)

Assign the version of this event that you can refer to later. 

Description (optional)

An optional field to draw a description of an event. A list of events and descriptions will be visible within the Data Library/ Events tab.

Event Retention (optional) 

Select after how many days events will be deleted (max 5000). It is recommended to avoid storing events for too long as it may influence the costs of data storage. There is no general recommendation about how long events should be stored, it depends on the nature of the event. Usually, more information is collected, and it is advised to store it for a longer time.  By default, Event Retention is 0 (infinite). To learn more, contact the Meiro team. 


If the toggle is activated, the event will receive priority in processing. Once enabled, the corresponding events will be indicated in the events list by a green check icon, indicating their higher processing status relative to others.


The schema describes the way how event payload should be displayed in the user interface. It is possible to set multiple items that will be displayed.


Set the title of the payload. The event title is the further specification of the event. For example, event type "Order Status Updated" may have the title "The customer's order changed the status to Awaiting bank payment" to specify the event further. The title will be visible under this name across Meiro Business Explorer. It is possible to edit it later on. 

Add items to display in the payload

Name: Name your schema item. It will be visible under this name across Meiro Business Explorer. It is possible to edit it later on. 

Type: Set the item type (string, datetime, number). It is possible to edit it later on. 

Format: Pick one of the available formats (text, link, list). It is possible to edit it later on. 

Path: JSON path that points to value in payload corresponding to this payload item. It is possible to edit it later on. 

Warning: It will not be possible to edit Source, Event Type and Event Version later. In this case, hiding the event and creating a new one is recommended.

Remember: Newly created events will appear with the New badge that will stay for the next 7 days.


In this section, you can set the extraction of customer events from the ME database to MBE. This will eliminate the need to use MI for integrating data from ME to CDP, resulting in simplified deployment. Additionally, this approach reduces the probability of errors during configuration and speeds up the process.

Remember: One event type can have only one integration.

Autoload configuration

Click the ‘configure’ button to enable configurations of the CDP to the ME database.



Select the endpoint from ME using the dropdown.

Event time extraction


The reception time in UTC can be used as the event timestamp to receive an event in near real-time. For example: 


However, when receiving data from third-party endpoints, there may be a delay between the actual event occurrence. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize SQL expressions or transformations to handle such cases appropriately. For example:

"payload ->> 'timestamp'".

Remember: you need to be ensured that the event_time is always in UTC.

User identifier extraction


SQL definition that can work on the payload. For example:

"payload ->> 'user_id'"

Event filter


SQL expression that can work on the payload. For example:

"payload ->> 'type' = 'page_view'"

Remember: Disable the toggle when you want to save the event with the prepared configurations and enable it when you are ready to start loading events to MBE. If you need to delete configurations of this integration, use the ‘remove’ button.


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In this section, you can specify the transformations the raw customer profile events might undergo to get the real payload. It is possible to use multiple transformations to achieve the desired result of the payload, and each transformation can be enabled or disabled individually using a toggle located next to each transformation.

Transformations support only value objects and they do not support analyzing and iterating through array objects.

Remember: the order of transformations is important, as each transformation is applied one by one to the payload in the respective order.

Below, you can find available transformations for definition.


Allows to extract a value from a specified old path, create a new path, place the extracted value in the new path, and delete the old path. This helps organize and restructure the data within the payload, improving data quality and consistency.

Example of 'move' transformation

Знімок екрана 2023-06-08 о 13.26.44.png


  "payload": {
    "url": "https://www.meiro.store/blog/",
    "referrer": "https://www.meiro.store/",
    "page_title": "Blog – Meiro.store"


  "payload": {
    "url": "https://www.meiro.store/blog/",
    "referrer": "https://www.meiro.store/",
    "page": "Blog – Meiro.store"

Map value

Allows extracting the value from the target_old_value path. It then searches for a matching value in the value_maps array, comparing the extracted value with the old value from each value_map. If a match is found, the component takes the corresponding new value from the value_map, creates a new path named target_new_value, and places the new value from the value_map there. This process is similar to a join operation in a database.

Example of 'map value' transformation

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  "referer_parts": {
    "known": true,
    "medium": "unknown",
    "referer": null,
    "search_term": null,
    "search_parameter": null


  "referer_parts": {
    "known": true,
    "medium": "medium",
    "referer": null,
    "search_term": null,
    "search_parameter": null

Name pop-up banner

Allows extracting the banner_id value from  id_path. It then searches for a matching banner_name from the refreshed web banner data downloaded from the CDP instance. If a match is found, the component creates a new path called name_path in the payload and places the banner_name value there.

Example of 'name pop-up banner' transformation

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Name native banner

The same logic as in the Name pop-up banner is applied to payloads where native web banners data must be enriched.

Example of 'name native banner' transformation

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Czech vocative

This transformation is designed for projects in the Czech Republic, where vocative forms of names are commonly used. It extracts the first name from the specified path using the first_name_path. Then tries to use a vocative library to transform first_name. The transformed name is then placed in a new path specified by result_path.

Example of 'Czech vocative' transformation

Знімок екрана 2023-06-08 о 14.03.21.png


"name": "Marianna"


"name": "Marianna",
"name_vocative": "Marianno"

Czech gender

This transformation is mainly for projects in the Czech Republic because it uses a vocative library that works mostly with first names in the Czech calendar. Transformation extracts first_name from first_name_path path. Then try to use a vocative library to estimate gender from first_name. It creates a new path in result_path and places the estimated gender there.

Example of 'Czech gender' transformation

Знімок екрана 2023-06-08 о 14.00.56.png


"name": "Marianna"


"name": "Marianna",
"gender_estimate": "female"

Replace in string

Transformation extracts string object from the string_path path. Then apply Python replace method on an extracted object with old and new as an argument. It creates a new path  result_path and places the transformed string there.

Example of 'replace in string' transformation

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"geo_ip_data": {
    "latitude": 50.1188,
    "city_name": "Frankfurt am Main",
    "longitude": 8.6843,
    "country_iso": "DE",
    "postal_code": "60313",
    "country_name": "Germany"


"geo_ip_data": {
    "latitude": 50.1188,
    "city_name": "Frankfurt am Main",
    "longitude": 8.6843,
    "country_iso": "DE",
    "postal_code": "60313",
    "country_name": "Deutschland"

Split string

The 'Split' transformation takes an input string from the source path and splits it using the characters specified in split by. The resulting parts are then used to select a specific part based on the select part parameter, which can support negative numbers like Python. The selected part is then placed in the destination path as the transformed string.

Splitting by a string which contains a backslash (e.g., '\n') is not supported

Example of 'split string' transformation

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"geo_ip_data": {
    "latitude": 50.1188,
    "name": "Adam_Main",
    "longitude": 8.6843,
    "country_iso": "DE",
    "postal_code": "60313",
    "country_name": "Germany"


"geo_ip_data": {
    "latitude": 50.1188,
    "name": "Adam",
    "longitude": 8.6843,
    "country_iso": "DE",
    "postal_code": "60313",
    "country_name": "Deutschland"

Strip string

Allows extracting string object from string_path path. Then apply the Python strip method on an extracted object with old and new as an argument. It creates a new path  result_path and places the transformed string there.

Example of 'strip string' transformation

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 "cookies": {
    "_ga": "GA1.1.500734751.1682429081"


 "cookies": {
    "_ga": "1.1.500734751.1682429081"

Strip whitespaces

Allows deleting whitespaces from the beginning and end of a string.

Example of 'strip whitespaces' transformation

Знімок екрана 2023-06-29 о 10.30.23.png


 "cookies": {
    "_ga": "  GA1.1.500734751.1682429081  "


 "cookies": {
    "_ga": "GA1.1.500734751.1682429081"

Lowercase string

Transformation allows to extract string object from the string_path path. Then applies the Python lower method on an extracted object without any arguments. It creates a new path in result_path and places the transformed string there.

Example of 'lowercase string' transformation

Знімок екрана 2023-06-08 о 13.50.12.png


"session_id": "MTY4MjQyOTA4MDk0MCZiYWM3NDVhYS03NTUwLTQ3NmUtYmE1NS0wNjg0NDQ0N2EzMDc="


"session_id": "mty4mjqyota4mdk0mcziywm3ndvhys03ntuwltq3nmutyme1ns0wnjg0ndq0n2ezmdc="

Validate email

With the transformation, the string object from the string_path path is extracted. Then applies the Python lower method on an extracted object without any arguments. It creates a new path in result_path and places the transformed string there.

Example of 'validate email' transformation

Знімок екрана 2023-06-08 о 13.56.40.png


	"email": "admin@gmail.com"


	"email": "admin@gmail.com",
	"validated_email": "admin@gmail.com"


Checks if delete_path exists and removes it.

Example of 'delete' transformation

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Test run

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In the "test run" section, you have the option to click on the "fetch" button to experiment with the event using the specified settings. You can specify the desired number of events to fetch, with a maximum limit of 1000 events. As a result, you will receive an array containing the most recent values for the event time, user identifier, and payload.

2. Edit/ show-hide events

The events list displays all events along with their sources and dates of addition and retention days.

Events marked with a priority have a priority check icon enabled.

Events with enabled autoload show a check icon. If an event lacks autoload configuration, it won't display any check icon on the list.

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You can edit events at any time, and if necessary, you can hide them from the Meiro interface. While hidden, these events will remain invisible within the Meiro Business Explorer interface; however, they continue to be collected and will be present in stitching rules.

Warning: Not editable fields are: Source, Event Type, and Event Version. If filled wrong, it is recommended to hide the incorrect event and create a new one.

Events marked with the ‘system’ tag cannot be hidden. On the detail page, you may only edit the Schema section or copy the event to proceed with creating a new event.

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3. Event example

An example of an event listed in the Data Library/ Events tab:

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For this event:

  • Event Name: Account created on web
  • Event Source: Bank website
  • Event Type: picked from the drop-down list (in this case "account-created")
  • Event Version: the version of this event (for example 1-0-0)
  • Schema Title: Bank web account created
  • Schema Name: Device family
  • Schema Type: string
  • Schema Format: text
  • Schema Path: JSON path to this event