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Segment export: Criteo


To export to Criteo, this destination must be set by the administrator. 


After segmenting the audience, go to the Exports section where you should be able to find to which destination is currently possible to export the segment. (It is possible to set more exports, but it requires help of the Meiro team)


Exports tab


Exportable shows how many customers will be exported to your destination.


This number is defined by the conditions you choose to segment the audience but also by mandatory attributes that have been set up by the administrator (that must be present to export to your destination). For example, if you segment 1000 profiles but only 10 profiles have mandatory attributes present, only those 10 will be exported to your destination. Mandatory attributes set will be visible in the Data tab/ Sources & Destinations tab.





Advertiser ID (required, user input)

Criteo Advertiser ID.


Audience ID (optional, user input)

Audience ID is an optional field, when left empty, it creates a new audience upon export, with the name defined in Audience Name, and description in Audience Description. If filled, it adds new users to an existing audience upon export, but it won't modify the Audience Name and Audience Description.


Audience Name (required, user input)

The name that will be visible in Criteo Audiences.


Audience Description (required, user input)

The description will be visible in Criteo Audiences.


Criteo environment

In Criteo, go to Assets -> Audiences

image (1).png


What are the exported attributes/ values for this destination?

Email values will be exported to this destination. 

What are mandatory attributes for this destination?

In order to export to this destination the email needs to be known to the customer.