The Trade Desk export destination
Ask in #help_product for TTD
Destinationdestination to be added to theCDPMeiro Business Explorer -
MIinWorkspaceMeiro Integrations workspace for TTDDestinationdestination -
In Setup > Destinations, select the workspace from
MIMeiro Integrations to be used by thedestinationdestination. -
Mandatorymandatory andExportedexportedAttributeattributes to be anAttributeattribute holding the list of all TTD User IDs of the customer entity. -
Setup a parameter for the destination, audience_id as user input, required.
Create CDP
Destination Connectorconnector inMIMeiroWorkspace,Integration workspace, fill inDestinationdestination ID fromCDPMeiro Business Explorer and credentials. -
Using Python
Codecode unnest a list of TDD User IDs into a csv with 1 column “tdid”.import json, csv, sys with open('in/tables/export.csv', 'r') as inf, open('out/tables/tdid.csv','w') as outf: reader = csv.DictReader(inf) writer = csv.DictWriter(outf, fieldnames=['tdid']) writer.writeheader() for r in reader: attrs = json.loads(r['mx_ttd_id']) for a in attrs: writer.writerow({ 'tdid': a})
Set up The Trade Desk
Loaderloader ( ) to use the {{audience_id}} as name, fill in advertiser ID, secret and TTL. -
Done 🙂