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Parameters for export destinations

As a first step, set up the destination workspace in MI and connect it to the destination in CDP. How to do that is shown in this video: https://youtu.be/f3EDE2jBzB4

Next, let’s get to parameters.

In itself, parameters for the destination in CDP are just MI workspace variables set by CDP prior to the execution of workspace in MI.

The execution goes like this:

  1. User clicks on the “Export” button in the CDP.

  2. CDP will check parameters and based on the configuration it sets workspace variables based on the parameters.

  3. CDP will execute workspace in MI.

  4. CDP will wait and report the final state of the workspace in MI.

Workspace variables in MI must be correctly used and its list is kind of static - what is set to use in MI, will be used. If there is a parameter in CDP that is not used in any configuration in MI workspace, it still be set, but not used.

If you want to set up parameter for CDP, go to Administration > Sources & Destinations. There is a column for each destination (last one) called Parameters.

For adding a new parameter, click the Add Parameter button. You will be presented with a form. Meiro Integrations Key is the name of the workspace variable you would like to set by this parameter. Name is the UI friendly name that will be shown in the export destination in CDP. Optionally you can set if it is required or not. If you set it to required, the user in CDP will be forced to fill it with some value, otherwise export will not be possible.

Once you are done setting the structure of the parameter, you can move to segments. Select any segment and try to export the data to the destination.

After clicking export, CDP will set the parameter in MI workspace variables and execute the workspace. You can see it in real-time in MI itself.

Note on the workspace variables set by CDPCDP:

  • If the parameter from CDP does not exist in workspace variable in MI, it will be created.

  • If the workspace variable is empty, it will be filled with new value.

  • If the workspace variable has a value, it will be overwritten by the value from parameter.
