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How to set up attributes in Meiro Business Explorer

Attributes Calculation FAQ

What happens when I create a new attribute?

New column of attribute will appear in customer_attributes table. 

New entities will have their new attribute calculated.

The attribute value for old entities will remain NULL until recalculated

What happens when I update an attribute definition?

The change in the attribute is propagated within 5 minutes.

All newly recalculated entities will use the new definition.

Old, already calculated values will stay in place until recalculated.

What triggers attribute calculation?

An entity's attributes are calculated when any of these occur:
1. When the entity is first stitched.

2. When new events are stitched to the entity.

3. Every 7 days, ie when the entity has no new events in the past 7 days.

How regularly are attributes updated?

By default, an entity's attributes are recalculated once every week.

Is it possible to recalculate a particular attribute? No, there is no way to force recalculation for a particular attribute - when entity is recalculated, all his attributes are recalculated.
How do I trigger attribute recalculation? Please refer here.