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Best Practices for Insights Creation

This document contains all the best practices on insights creation on Meiro Business Explorer. 

Grouping Similar Insights

Make use of the color selection to group similar insights together so that it is visually easier to locate certain insights. image-1651815950664.png

Unreadable Insights 

When creating insights, the preview example for a pie chart display could show the numbers clearly but when reviewing it under Data > Insights, it will display multiple <1% bars instead. This is due to the data having multiple groups of people under different categories which amounts to <1% for each group. 

Instead of using pie chart display, change it to list display

Multi-values Attribute

When using “Most Common” condition in a pie chart display, you might get the following visualization which adds up to more than 100%.


We have 3 customers in a segment and we want to get an insight on the most common viewed page for that segment.

  1. Customer visited pages A and B
  2. Customer visited pages B and C
  3. Customer visited pages C and D

The percentage of customers who viewed the pages could be as follows:

Page A: 66%

Page B: 66%

Page C: 66%

Page D: 66%

A single pie chart is unable to show the values of the multiple pages as a single entity can have more than one value hence the values are looped around the chart showing multiple values. A better visualization method will be to use a list display. image-1651816529425.png

Example Insights for Different Industries


Example Insights

Across all industries

  1. City
  2. Country
  3. Device
  4. OS


  1. Most common viewed products
  2. Most common product categories
  3. Most common product brands
  4. Most common clicked campaigns
  5. Most common UTM source
  6. Most common UTM medium
  7. Most common UTM campaign
  8. Average email click through rate
  9. Average email open rate
  10. Average order value
  11. Average total spent
  12. Average transactions


  1. Most common viewed products
  2. Most common viewed pages
  3. Most common clicked campaigns
  4. Most common UTM source
  5. Most common UTM medium
  6. Most common UTM campaign
  7. Total number of complaints


  1. Total number of page views
  2. Total number of subscriptions
  3. Most common viewed pages
  4. Most common viewed category
  5. Daily Active Users
  6. Monthly Active Users

Real Estate

  1. Most common viewed property
  2. Most common viewed pages
  3. Most common lead dropped off reason
  4. Most common clicked campaigns
  5. Most common UTM source
  6. Most common UTM medium
  7. Most common UTM campaign
  8. Most common applied discount rebate
  9. Total number of complaints
  10. Salary range
  11. Property budget range