External data for attributes
Define all kinds of attributes with Meiro’s CDP:
- simple ones like count, sum, minimum, maximum, most frequent, and more…
- complex ones like recommended products, legacy labeling, etc.
All attributes are projections on the customer'scustomer profiles' events timeline.
For example, if a customer profile has events:
Added product with ID 123 into the basket
Added product with ID 456 into the basket
Meiro can create the attribute:
Number of products added to the basket
which will calculate the number to be 3,
List of all product IDs added to the basket
with a list123, 456
But what if you wish to use additional,additional external data for the attribute calculation?
For example, if events do not contain the nameproduct of the product,name, you might wish to use your product feed to add the product name, the current priceprice, and stock as an attribute.
It is possible with Meiro, we call it “External data” that can be used in attribute calculation. It works by maintaining a table in a separate schema of the database.
For example, let's say you have an available "Product Feed" table ( with Product Id, Name, Price, In Stock)
123, Item1, 10, 5
456, Item2, 12, 10
Then it is very easy to create attributes like:
Names of all products added to the basket
just by taking the ID and performing a LOOKUP on the “Product Feed” table, so the value of this attribute would be Item1, Item2
Remember: Current soft limit (tested, guaranteed to perform well, but is not limited to) is 100 million rows for 1 LOOKUP table with 10 columns. The soft limit is 10 external data tables per instance. It can be increased based on the use case under Meiro’s supervision to optimize the performance.